Movie, check. Um, but this is unexpected.

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~+A week later: In the evening+~

Tom met up with Jayden first since he offered to drive them to the movie theater. The captain came in his sleek black sports car much to Tom's amusement.

"Feel like showing off?" Tom says opening the door to the passenger side.

Jayden laughs as he waves his hand, "Just want to make a good first impression on your friends."

"You shouldn't worry you know. Edd and Matt will be cool with you." Tom says setting into the passenger seat and closing the door after him. He sets his hands on his lap and looks to his former partner. "You can already tell on the phone call from last week they find you intriguing enough."

Jayden hums as he pulls the shift on the car to start driving again to head to the movie house. "Yeah, but you never know. I can't really tell if your friend in the red hoodie, Tord if I recall correctly, is fond of me though." He turns the wheel to make a right and then stops at a red light. "He was just quiet."

"Don't mind him, we're not really close... never have been actually except when we were kids." Tom tells him as he leans against the car door.

"Did something happen, if I may ask?"

Tom stayed silent for a moment while he lets the car radio fill in the silence.

"I'm not sure, it just happened."

Jayden didn't pry into the backstory anymore than needed when he heard Tom say that. It seemed like a sensitive topic to touch upon. So the officer focused on the light when it turned green, signaling he could finally go.

Tom closes his eyes and enjoys the music playing in the car. He hums along to the tune, allowing Jayden to listen to his crush's love for music.

Back when they were partners, lots of times on patrol Tom would start humming to the car radio before singing with an amazing voice. It was always calming or energetic. Sometimes even loving or sad which wrapped around the man's heart in a mixture of emotions.


Tom peeked an eye open to look over at Jayden, "Yeah?"

"I just wanted to say, if you ever need anything, and I mean anything, don't hesitate to ask me." Tom could note the serious in his tone but he smiles none the less.

"I hear you, Jay."

Jayden smiles and lets the two of them continue the peace in the music and Tom's humming sometimes as a bonus treat to sing some of the lyrics.

Soon enough they made it to the movie house where Tom saw three familiar hoodies as Jay's car passes by. There was Edd, Matt, and Tord waiting at the entrance of the building for them.

"Do you want me to drop you off? I can find a parking spot by myself." Jay asks slowing his driving a bit.

"It's fine, let's just find one and head out together."

Jay nods and turns the wheel to enter a parking lot. It took them a couple of minutes to eventually find one relatively close to the building so they wouldn't have to walk far later.

They get out after parking the car, Tom waiting a moment for Jayden to check if he got everything before they lock the car. The caramel hair officer then jogs over to his friend and they start walking together to meet up with the others.

Edd was the one to notice them first since he had been keeping an eye out for them. He pushes himself off the wall he had been leaning on to greet the two men with his usual cheerful smile.

Loveless Flowers [TomTord]Where stories live. Discover now