Chapter 2 - broken hearted

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Later on...Knuckles, Tails, Amy, and Sticks...realizes that Shadow really was using them...Sonic tried to tell them...but they never listened...Knuckles was heart broken... he cried on the ground like crazy... Sticks, Amy, and Tails had thought that Knuckles was crying over Shadow using him and not really in love with him... Knuckles sobbed on the ground alone as the three walked off and shrugged... Knuckles can hear Shadows voice saying *Shadow: YOUR STUPID ENOUGH!!...I NEVER LOVED A STUPID  AND PATHETIC HALFWITTED AND UGLY FACE LIKE YOURS!!...YOU SHOULDA LISTENED TO SONIC!!...OH HES PROBABLY HEARTBROKEN BECAUSE IF YOU!!...* Knuckles stood up and cried as he said, I...I should've listened...S..Sonic...if..I was....t..too harsh...*eyes widened in horror*that means that...on him...*gasping as he realizes that Sonic might kill himself*... without hesitation he runs back to the shack... but to his surprise he sees the police and his family there... Manic said on his communicator, DID YOU CHECK THAT PLACE MY BROTHER AND I USED TO PLAY WHEN WE WERE KIDS?!...*Shawn: no Manic...* WELL CHECK IT AGAIN THEN SHAWN!!...*Shawn: okay already calm down*...his parents were sobbing like crazy... Manic noticed Knuckles immediately and glares at him... Manic growled and said, YOU!!...I AM GONNA MURDER YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID!!...*walks to him very angrily*... Knuckles in fright said, no no wait Manic I...*slapped.* Manic interrupted, WHAT THE HELL!?...WE ARE SO SUING THIS VILLAGE FOR THIS!..NOT ONLY FOR ALL THE DAMAGE YOU DID BUT DOING THIS?!...WE AIN'T BEING STOPPED THIS TIME DUDE?!...wishing my brother is gone and all that horrid stuff...that really pissed us off...he tried to tell you and is crying his eyes out...when he told us..... Knuckles yelled, I'M SORRY I DIDN'T WANT THIS FOR YOUR LITTLE BROTHER!!...I DIDN'T MEAN ALL THAT STUFF I SAID!!...SHSDOW USED ME BUT THATS NO EXCUSE FOR WHAT I DID!!...I DIDN'T WANNA HURT HIM!!...I WANTED TO APOLOGIZE TO HIM BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!..YOU THINK YELLING AT ME WILL MAKE THINGS EVEN BETTER MANIC?!... Manic was shocked to hear but he frowned and said, so...that's why your here...huh? apologize huh?...I thought you came here to gloat... Knuckles in tears said, no...I...I wasn't...please I didn't mean for him kill himself...I..I swear...I really wanted to apologize to him... then Manic gave him a confused look and said, kill himself?...*then realizes that he really didn't meant to hurt him...he seen how nice he treats him then realized that he haven't heard*...dude haven't you heard? Knuckles said, *sniff*...hear what? Manic replied, my brother didn't kill himself...he went missing... Knuckles gasp in shock... Knuckles thought, why did I make that wish for him to disappear?....stupid...stupid me this is all my thanks to me I got my wish...a wish that I will now regret...I can't even see how Sonic feels...when I should've been standing up for I was supposed to....and have his back....but instead...I let him down... the. knuckles with a scared look on his face still in tears said, Manic...when did he go missing?...I need to know...if anything happens to Sonic I won't forgive myself... Manic said, okay okay calm know that day you guys yelled at him along with the other people?...*Knuckles nodded in guilt*...he went missing on that same day...all the police found were scattered little puddles of blood, and orange slices with some sorts residue on them...and this is the 60'th time we had to sue this village... Knuckles said, huh? Manic said, what my brother didn't tell ya?...we've been suing this village for all the wrong doings that they did to Sonic... every time Sonic gets hurt or whatever...we sue them for what they did... Knuckles said, I see... Manic sighed in hesitation and said, can you keep a secret? Knuckles said, yeah...why? Manic said, well...Sonic wasn't always a hero...he used to be a psycho killer... Knuckles in shocked said, what? this some kind of Joke Manic? Manic shook his head and said, no...I wish it was...but it isn' see...Sonic suffered from a split personality disorder...he been into a hospital twice...and an insane asylum once....Sonic kills liked there was no tomorrow most of them were villains and crooks....Sonic had ideas to kill...but he wasn't alone...he teamed up with a couple of guys that were in high school with him...Fleetway and Mephiles...when I found out along with my parents we refused to send him to jail...besides we needed to get him help and fast...we did whatever we could to get him help when I reasoned with my parents to let me help him it worked... Knuckles couldn't believe what he was hearing... Knuckles then said, WHY DIDN'T HE TELL US?! Manic said calmly, he was afraid what you might think of him if he told you...the only other person who knew his split personality was one of my friends...Boomer Kenzie... and for Sonics sake he promised to make sure it never happens... Knuckles said, *sighs*...I see...I understand... then Knuckles stood up to search for Sonic...not a word... Manic said, hold it you...where are you going? knuckles said, I'm going to find your baby brother...and if you want to accuse someone...Amy, Sticks, and Tails yelled at him...and they didn't even show any I do....*walks off to find Sonic in tears wishing that he haven't hurt him*... Sonics parents heard the whole thing... Savior said, so those guys show no mercy but he does... Aleena said, never mind him... Savior said, well he had no hand about this...he just didn't know what he is saying...but the others they shoulda been more caring to our son.. Aleena said, I know dear...we are so suing this village again... the Officer nodded as he walked off.

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