Chapter 5 - taking our sons home

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The trial began as everyone was getting frustrated by theses law-suits...Sonic's family including his brother were getting very upset... the mayor said, we haft to do this everyone... everyone complained until the judge banged his gabble... the mayor then said, look we can't send him besides.... Manic yelled, YOU KNOW DANG WELL HE'S BEEN ILL AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN HELP HIM!!...DUDE YOU ALL KNEW HE WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR THESE HOMICIDES!!! The mayor tried to say something for defense but Manic yelled, STOP LYING YOU'VE BEEN SEEING ALL OF HIS RECORDS SINCE HE FIRST CAME TO YOUR VILLAGE NOW HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU NOT KNOW HE HAD A SPLIT PERSONALITY?! The mayor said in a panic tone, look I...I...I swear...I really didn't...*one of the villagers said, but he thinks he's a troublemaker....and selfish...* WILL YOU SHUT UP?! then a second villager said, well what about that just a guy incident he never learns hi... that's when Savior yelled in an angered tone, DON'T YOU DARE BRING THAT UP!!...YOUR THE ONES WHO OVERREACTED AND MAKING UP STUPID LIES!...I SHOULD KNOW I WAS THERE ON THAT DAY!...YOU DID NOTHING BUT BEEN MEAN AND NASTY AROUND OUR SON!! Manic yelled, MY BABY BROTHER WOULD NEVER THINK OF SUCH A THING!!!...YOU MADE ALL THOSE THINGS UP TO MAKE YOURSELF VICTIMS!! Aleena yelled, THE REASON WHY HE BROUGHT HIM TO THE BATTLE FIELD IS BECAUSE YOU MADE HIM DO IT!!...YOU MADE MY BLUE BABY BOY TAKE AN INNOCENT MAN TO THE BATTLE FIELD WHEN HE WANTED TO GO...*turns to Mike* ehh no offense Mike... Mike replied, ehh...none taken Mrs. is true but none taken... everyone complained and denied their guilt...but that's when Knuckles burst in with an injured Sonic who was in tears... Knuckles said on his knees, I'm sorry.....he... everyone just glared at him but Aleena screamed, AAAHHHH!!...MY BABY!!!....*rushes to her younger son*...WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BABY!!! Knuckles said in guilt, I...I'm sorry I... Aleena interrupted, it's not you I'm yelling at...I know your trying to be a better friend for maybe to blame with everyone didn't mean to hurt him...*turns to everyone* ITS ALL OF YOU LOOK WHAT ALL OF YOU DONE TO MY BABY!!!... Knuckles whispered in shame, I was such a bad friend...I never shoulda... Savior interrupted calmly as he placed a hand on his shoulder, we never meant to harm him...besides no one cared about him like you, me, Aleena, and Manic have...*turns to everyone* AS FOR ALL OF YOU!!...I WOULDN'T NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID TO OUR SON!!!.... Knuckles whispered, I felt like I shoulda been a better friend... Manic interrupted calmly, my little brother said this to me once....he said you've been a better friend that anyone could ask for...even if you had your ups and downs with him....but he knows deep down you've cared for him when no one else would... Knuckles whispered, I... Sonic whispered, it's true....I did say that....your a better friend than I could ask for....even when we had minor set backs....I know you cared about me...and been there for me... Manic whispered as Knuckles hand Sonic to his brother, look...don't get us wrong...we love Sonic and I know you care about him as much as we's just he's been quiet about talking about his past...& us...*to everyone and glared at them*...YOU GUYS ARE SERIOUSLY NOT COOL!!..WHAT GOOD ARE YOU ALL IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE SONIC MEANING NO HARM AT ALL!...HONESTLY I DON'T THINK THIS VILLAGE IS READY FOR PROTECTION FOR SOMEONE LIKE HIM, ME, OR ANY OF US!!!... everyone just Denys it and complains until the mayor spoke...he agrees and said, I'm afraid he's right about that everyone what good are we if we can't handle one little comment or any other thing Sonic does...I don't think were are ready to have a protector like him yet...we already reached the max...take a look of all the complaints we get...his father yells at me twice by the just a guy incident...his mother nearly goes mad over what you all did...we really crossed the line more than once...Manic had to kick the shrew to make sure he doesn't hurt his brother again...if there was no line we ever crossed we wouldn't be having these issues...but on that day...we all didn't just cross that line...we spat on it... Aleena yelled, WE ARE SO TAKING OUR SON HOME!!...*to Knuckles* you can go...besides you didn't mean our child harm.... Knuckles slowly nods his head and whispers in guilt, alright Mrs. Hedgehog...and I'm sorry and thank you... Knuckles slowly walks out leaving everyone to look at the Hedgehog family who were not happy for what they did... Manic with his baby brother said, you all make me sick...I will... Savior said, now Manic...I know your mad at them as we are for hurting Sonic but you need to let us handle it...I need you to go to the car and wait for us with your little brother....we'll be there in a minute when this is you understand? Manic said as he slowly nod his head, *sighs* yes Father....*turns to Sonic as he places a blanket around Sonic* lets go Sonic...*turns to the crowd with a glare* stay away from my brother...*walks out with Sonic in his arms*... leaving the parents with angry looks on their faces... The Mayor sighs in guilt and stress....then looks at everyone who glared at them but then looks at the mayors serious look that made them realized their mistakes... the Mayor said, alright that does it...not only you did this to Manic but on Sonic? This has gone long enough....*turns to Savior and Aleena with concern and worried* you both can go home with both your sons...and uhh...we'll be discussing about this know who...besides you guys have enough to deal with... Savior said calmly, thank you Mayor Fink... Aleena said, we'll be in touch... that's when one of the villagers said, WHAT YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!... The Mayor Interrupted them angrily, WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP!!...YOU THINK THIS IS ALL A GAME TO YOU?!...YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?!...THIS HAS GONE TOO FAR!....YOU NEVER LEARN YOUR MISTAKES!!....AND YOU NEVER HAVE!!...BESIDES THIS FAMILY HAS ENOUGH TO DEAL WITH!!...A FAMILY MEMBER OF THEIRS HAS BEEN MISSING FOR WHO KNOWS HOW LONG, YOU DID NOTHING BUT CRITICIZE BOTH BOYS IN TWO ALTERNATIVE TIMES!...KNUCKLES BLAMES HIMSELF FOR THE ATROCIOUS ACTS THAT HAPPENED!!...WHY CAN'T YOU ALL JUST SEE YOUR HURTING AN INNOCENT CHILD!?...TWICE!!... Aleena yelled in tears, YOU ALL DON'T KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE GOING THROUGH THIS!... that's when the old monkey yelled, OH SHUT UP YOU STUPID AND USELESS WOMAN!!...WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW YOU RAISED THE MOST BRATTY AND DISRESPECTFUL KIDS EVER!!!..AND LET ONE OF YOU KIDS GO MISSING!..YOUR FAMILY IS NOTHING BUT A BUNCH OF DISRESPECTFUL AND STUPID PEOPLE!!...YOUR SONS ARE NOTHING BUT IRRESPONSIBLE AND DISRESPECTFUL BRATS!! everyone gasped in shock and horror as they realized what they were really doing... then Savior who snapped threw a nearby rock at him and yelled as the rock him hit, DON'T EVER TALK THAT WAY TO MY WIFE AGAIN!!...AND NEVER TALK THAT WAY HOW WE RAISED OUR CHILDREN!..AND DON'T YOU EVER BRING THAT UP!!..DON'T EVER BRING THAT UP!...AND NEVER TALK ABOUT OUR FAMILY AGAIN EVER!..MORE IMPORTANTLY DON'T EVER TALK THAT WAY ABOUT OUR BOYS AGAIN EVER!!!....THA IS IT!!...WE ARE OUTTA HERE AND WERE TAKING BOTH OUR SONS BACK HOME WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!!... the mayor glared at them and said, just go and Aleena just go...we'll talk about all those things later....besides you have had enough to deal with...*looks at Aleena with concern* Aleena don't pay attention to him they kept denying that they did everything wrong....listen Aleena you had a really rough raised two good boys and...*trails off and turns to Savior*....and Savior gets some look like someone was beating you to a pulp... Savior nodded calmly said, yes Fink...I'll do that...yeah...this is really stressful for our family...and...again...thank you Fink...we'll be in touch... the mayor said, your welcome safe...* he walks out with Aleena* then the old lady said as she glared at the old man, nice and your disrespectful really done should've remembered that Savior hates it when you talk about his family like that....we are so wrong about everything...besides they raised those two better than you think... then Lady Walrus said, it's true...sure Aleena brags about her children and we never got along in school and in public...but at least *whispers, I can't believe I'm saying this*...she watches out, loves and cares for them then I do...she knows more about being a mother than I do....if it was one of my kids who went missing...I would do the same like they wasn't their fault...that particular child went missing...they didn't know at the know nothing about Aleena, her husband, and her children... then an officer said, yeah and we're working on the missing persons case... The Mayor said, all are to blame...when the two get back here...I am gonna discuss them about all that's happening...and you all are in a lot of trouble... meanwhile Manic was in the backseat of the car with Sonic who was weeping on his brothers chest... Manic whispered, please calm down little bro...I know your hurt and I know your feeling like you've been terrible wasn't your fault they made you that way...besides your not the one suffered that... Sonic sniffed and said, re..really? Manic whispered as he pet his head, you I was extremely hated...they were ungrateful to me matter how many days I saved the village...they weren't gonna change their minds.. Sonic looked at his brother then lays his head on his shoulder... Sonic started getting drowsy on Manic as Manic sighed a bit... then their parents got into the car... that's when their mom said, listen Boys were gonna drop you off at home while your father and I have some unfinished business with the understand boys? Sonic whispered, yes mommy... Manic said as he held his brother, yes mother...we understand...but I think Sonics really tired after what happened... then Aleena smiled a bit and said, well...your right...he is...might wanna take him to his bedroom Manic... Manic nodded as they drove off... later when they got home to their village which is a few feet from the other village... Manic picked up Sonic and carried him to the house...Aleena and Savior drove off... Manic opened the door, walks in, and lays Sonic on the couch as he sits down laying Sonics head on his lap... Manic petted the sleeping hedgehogs head and whispered, I love ya bro....*looks at the window*...I helped you once Sonic...and I will help you matter how long it takes... Sonic smiled a bit as he feels Manic touch... Manic smiled and chuckled as he sees his brother cuddling was a stressful night for Sonic and his family...then Manic placed a blanket on his brother as he felt Manics embrace...

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