Prologue - the disapearance of Sonic

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Sonic felt distraught as he left...his friends betrayed him...they all took Shadow over him...Sonic couldn't believe it...he still imagined all of his friends face especially Knuckles and Tails...<Flashback> Sonic and Shadow were fighting and Shadow pretended Sonic was being mean like he always is...that's when Sonic was pushed to the tree... Amy yelled, WHATS THE MATTER WITH YOU?!... Sonic was about to talk but Tails yelled out, DON'T EVEN TALK SONIC WE HAD ENOUGH WITH YOUR LIES!!! Sticks said, and they say I'm crazy... Knuckles helps Shadow up and yells, I THINK YOU DID ENOUGH ALREADY!...*Sonic was about to yell but Knuckles slapped him*...I DON'T WANNA HEAR ANY OF YOUR SMART REMARKS SONIC WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR FOOLISHNESS AND YOUR NONSENSE!!...SHADOW IS SWEET NOW AND YOU CAN'T SEE IT YOU HEARTLESS MONSTER!! Sticks said, and they say I'm crazy.... Amy yelled, DON'T EVER TALK TO US AGAIN!!... Tails yelled, WE NEVER WANNA HEAR FROM YOU AGAIN!! Knuckles then yelled out something a bit too far, IN FACT DON'T EVER TALK OR COME NEAR US!...I THINK YOU SHOULD JUST LEAVE US ALONE RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!!...*Sonic tried to hold his tears but when Knuckles slaps him again things began to get bad*...WE DON'T WANNA HEAR IT SONIC!!...WE ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS ANYMORE!!... YOU UGLY AND HEARTLESS BEAST!...WE HATE YOU IN FACT I HATE YOU I WISH YOU NEVER BEEN OUR FRIEND FROM THE BEGINNING!!... NOBODY LIKES YOU NOT EVEN ME...NO ONE EVER LIKES YOU HERE AND NEITHER DO WE!!...I WISH WE NEVER MET!...I WISH YOU JUST LEAVES US ALONE!... I WISH YOU JUST DISAPPEAR!!...*Sonics eyes widened in shock and heart ache*... then Knuckles realized what he said he was about to apologize but Sonic ran off...Knuckles yelled, HEY WAIT I....didn't mean it... <flashback ends> Sonic became depressed as he felt his heart smashed into pieces... Sonic was crying on the floor... poor Sonic felt like he was gonna collapse as he stood up... Sonic then said as he sobbed, stupid idiots...stupid...stupid...stupid...those jerks...I knew they weren't my friends...they're idiots....I hated here I wish they would go away.....then he sees orange slices on the counter as a dark and distant voice said, yeah...that's right...when he eats that orange...he'll be back to the way he was... Sonic just looked at the orange slices and thought, I could swear they weren't there before...all well... then he ate one without ever giving it a second thought... then his eyes widened... he hears a voice that belong to Fleetway that said as it laughed, my my...broken hearted are we?...well don't worry if you go to your old self...then you wouldn't worry about the ones who pretended to be your friends....that's when Sonic gave in easily as the orange slice completely took over his heart his eyes dilated as he fell... meanwhile with Knuckles he thought of what he had said to him...the words echoing in his head....he felt so guilty...he couldn't stand himself.. he was so ashamed... weeks later Knuckles was sure that Sonic will be showing up but everywhere he goes including the jungle...he hasn't seen or heard from Sonic... Knuckles noticed Sonics family his parents and older brother demanded the police for a missing persons case....Knuckles realizes that Sonic is missing...that's when his suffering began..

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