Chapter 6 - missing girl/a broken heart

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Knuckles couldn't help but noticed that he felt mad at himself he can only remember what happened during his search for a family...


when the old lady didn't work out for him...just after he said I haft to find my family....Knuckles saw Sonic reading his communicator looking at it with a confused look...He heard Sonic whispered to only he can read "Sonic I'm on my way...I may need ya to do something for me real quick. I thought this will be an awesome way since we never seen each other much. Manic" Sonic walks away from the others... Knuckles sees Sonic standing under a tree... Knuckles walks away towards where Sonic is...that's when he sees Sonic looking straight at the field and a hedgehog he didn't recognize stopped in front of him...Knuckles maybe stupid but he doesn't forget...he swears he never seen him before...he thought he looked exactly like Sonic but green and slacker-like... he heard them talking... Manic said with a smile, yo what up my you've gotten really big since I last saw ya man... Sonic said, Manic...let's just skip the introductions okay? Manic said, anyway...Boomer needed me to gets some stuff for his project and..*shows Sonic the list*..that's something I can't do on my own and all my pals are I thought Sonic would help...besides you can get things done fast... Sonic said with a smile as he heard Manic say fast, okay...where to Manic... then Manic and Sonic ran off.... Knuckles said as he got outta his hiding spot, who was that and how did Sonic know him in fact what's Sonic doing with him?.... then after things went badly for the Gogova family... Knuckles was about to move the boulder but he sees the boulder was broke to pieces by a hedgehog that was like the hedgehog he saw but his fur was both blue and green fur like them chuckling and said to Knuckles, and they say I have troubles...*chuckles as he sees everyone* still it's no surprise that all ya can't do this yourself..*sees Knuckles and smirks* unless you had muscles... Knuckles was confused about what he mean but it reminded him how Sonic jokes around...but then Knuckles walks out but then hides behind when he saw Sonic walking to the village with a dull look on his face... Sonic said, what is it? Knuckles could barely make out what they are saying... the green and blue hedgehog said chuckling, hello Sonic... Sonic turns to him and said, hi Dad... his father asked, so still coming for the weekend? Sonic nods his head and said, yes Dad I am... Knuckles still couldn't make out what they are saying...he just walked off... then when things didn't work out for lady-Walrus... Knuckles sees a purple hedgehog he didn't recognize laughing at Lady-Walrus and said, I seen better lady-like girls in clothing stores... everyone was like OOOOOOHHHHH!!.... Lady-Walrus was furious and said, least I don't loose a daughter that went missing when...and in my opinion she's dead by now... that's when Knuckles was shocked...he saw Sonic stand up and slapped her... Sonic yelled, DON'T EVERN BRING THAT UP!...YOU DON'T KNOW THAT!...SONIA IS ALIVE AND YOU CAN'T PRONOUNCE HER DEAD!..DON'T TALK TO... the purple hedgehog placed a hand in her shoulder and said calmly, now Sonic...I know your hurting and just trying to defend me and all...but I can handle it from here sweetheart... Sonic whispered, yes mommy... then he stands a few feet from her... Aleena glares at her and said, don't ever bring that up blubber breath... Lady-Walrus said, what was that? dare you say that... Aleena said as she huffs, at least I don't make a fool outta myself by bringing up my missing daughter and have my youngest son defend me... everyone whispered agreeing with the woman... the Walrus kid told his baby brother, it's true... then the purple hedgehog left with Sonic and said, come along Sonic we still have some mommy and son time... Sonic whispered, yes mommy...Knuckles was confused but needed to ask Sonic about this later...he heard about a missing female pink hedgehog and it sure isn't Amy...he heard about it for sure... then after they broke the hug Knuckles remembers those days with Sonic...he was gonna ask him when Charlie and Belinda started to attack again...that's when Sonic sees something he remembered...enraged and in tears he dashed towards them with a really angered and sad cry...he spin dashed them to the ground as a bracelet fell off of Belinda's wrist...Sonic took a look at it...Sonics eyes widened as he recognized it....the thread was a colorful one...the bracelet had 2 pretty jewels, 6 pearls (2 blue ones, 2 green ones, and 2 pink ones), a purple glitter butterfly, and a pink and purple flower with the name Sonia written on it... Sonic remembered it...*an image of him when he was 7 years old with the bracelet in his hand said as he smiled, here sissy...I made this for you..happy birthday...* his laughter faded as Sonics shocked face...turned into anger...he sees them getting up and pushes them on the wall and said with a hateful stair, THIS IS SONIA'S BRACELET!...WHERE DID YOU GET THIS?!.... Belinda said, it's my bracelet... Sonic glared and said as he showed her the name, THEN WHAT IS SONIA'S NAME DOING ON IT?!...WELL YOU EXPLAIN YOURSELF NOW OR I WILL CALL MY PARENTS! Belinda denied as Charlie said, you think we have something to do with that stupid girls death? So what if it her bracelet I.... before he can finish Sonic said coldly, that stupid girl happens to be my big sister... Charlie was about to speak but Sonic choked him and said, WHAT DID YOU DO WITH SONIA WHERE IS SHE?! Belinda said panicking, ALRIGHT!..ALRIGHT WE'LL TELL YOU!!..LOOK WE WERE THREATENING HER WE TOLD HER IS SHE DIDN'T PAY UP WILL HURT HER FAMILY!!...SHE REFUSED TO COOPERATE AND TOLD THE POLICE!!...LAST TIME WE SAW HER SHE JUST DROPPED BY AROUND HERE AND THAT GUY HE WAS WITH!! Sonic said, WHAT GUY?! Charlie said with a painful tone, Belinda and I don't know his name...he looked like a gentleman or something... Sonic in tears said, SO YOU SAW HER WITH THIS GUY AND YOU HAVEN'T SEEN NEITHER OF THEM SINCE?! Charlie said, yes...we just let me go. Sonic said in a cold and angered tone, not until I teach you both a lesson about threatening my family.... Sonic grabbed both their necks and tightened his grip... Knuckles witnessing the whole thing because the three friends ran off... Knuckles rushed towards them and said as he got Sonic to let go, SONIC THATS ENOUGH!!..SONIC STOP!!!...*Sonic calm down and let's them go*...what has gone into you So..?*Knuckles eyes widened as he sees tears in Sonics eyes...Charlie and Belinda fled with marks on their necks*...Sonic...are you crying?...I don't know if your insane or what but...what is going on?'ve been hanging out with someone I didn't met...and every time someone brings up the missing girl you freak you know this Sonia girl? Sonic sat down on a bench nearby as Knuckles sat down.. Sonic said as he looked at the bracelet, Sonia she...she's my big sister...*Knuckles was shocked what he heard*...she had been missing since I was 12...I really miss her...I made this bracelet for her birthday...I was seven at the time...I worked on it all week...although my mom helped me... Knuckles whispered, Sonic... Sonic said, seeing you find a family it hit me too close to home... Knuckles said, but who in the world were... Sonic said sadly, I've seen you spying on me...I was just spending time with my family...alternatively...Knux...don't think I didn't noticed that you met my dad...*Knuckles: *thinks* that was his dad? wonder Sonic gets his enthusiastically from*...the hedgehog you saw me hang out with the one that looks like me...that was my big bro...he used to defend this village before me...*Knuckles: *thinks* what?...his brother?...that's...* if your wondering why I defended that woman well I had to what kind of kid would I've if I didn't stand up for my own mom?... Knuckles said confused, wait...that was your mom? Sonic nodded and said as he looked very down and depressed, yeah...*sniff*...I miss my sissy... Sonic started to cry as Knuckles was very worried...but it was the first time seeing Sonic crying... Knuckles was so concerned and said, Sonic...*he pulls Sonic close as he did his best to comfort him* there there Sonic it's okay.... Sonic said while he sobbed, no it's not sissy's gone...and we can't find her anywhere...*sobs* Knuckles looks at his best friend and said, Sonic...I swear it's alright...look I won't tell anyone what you said know... Sonic sobbed as he said, b..but...I...I have to believe she's okay...*sniff*...I miss her so much... Knuckles said as he wipes his tears away, Sonic listen to me...I mean it I won't tell anyone...but I'll tell you what...I'll look for her too... Sonic said in surprise, wh..what?...Knuckles you don't haft to... Knuckles cuts him off by placing a finger on his lips and said, ssshhhh...look please don't cry Sonic...*wipes his tears away again*...I know your sad's all I can do...for you and your family...besides what kinda friend would I be if I....didn't do anything for you...besides judging from her bracelet you found...she still alive.... Sonic hesitated and said, you really sure?...promise?... Knuckles nodded and said, yes Sonic...I mean it...I promise...I wouldn't lied to you...I swear from the bottom of my heart...I will... Sonic calmed down a bit as he hugged him... Sonic whispered, don't...tell anyone I'm doing this...besides I'll be embarrassed... Knuckles thought as he looked at Sonic, whoa...I never realized how cute Sonic really fact I never knew Sonic was that cute....

<flashback ends>

Knuckles realized something when he recalled that thought he had when he looked at Sonic on that day... Knuckles thought, *the image of Sonic when he was looking at him* still...I had no idea Sonic was so....adorable....but he's more adorable than Shadow and anyone else...besides...I couldn't forget that cute look of his....hmm...I wonder.... Knuckles sits on the park bench wondering how can be that cute towards him.

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