Chapter 7 - seeing you again/the good times

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<4 years later>

Within four years Knuckles still wonders why Sonic was so cute...but it's been four years since Sonic left. Knuckles mind was tormented by what's happened... Knuckles still kept his promise to find his sister and isn't gonna rest until he found her... Knuckles thought, where could she be?....and why can't I get Sonic outta my mind...I've been...his family is right....I've been nice to him...but...I didn't feel the same way Shadow has when he pretended to love if I don't have any feelings for Shadow then who do I....*gasped*...I have feelings...for Sonic?... Tails noticed Knuckles has been distant since Sonic left....Knuckles knew Sonia was nowhere to be found but knew she is out there somewhere to be found... he never wanna give up for Sonics sake he won't rest until she's found... he didn't want to imagine the horror of finding her dead...Knuckles looked all over in the woods he felt certain that this was the last place anyone saw her...Knuckles even interrogated most who were accused  and all of them denied being involved...though Knuckles doesn't believe them he needed nothing more but to bring a family back together...Knuckles felt like something happened to her...but what?...Knuckles thought, okay...something is definitely wrong...but I can't give up on Sonic or his family or his sister...I wanted nothing more....but to bring a family home again. Knuckles even interrogated the widow Belinda who was swearing that's the last time he seen her... Knuckles said in a cold tone, can you at least tell me what this guys she's with looks like?...was he really?... Belinda said as she butted in, well...we acts like a gentleman but he didn't look like one... Knuckles asked strictly, well what did he look like? Belinda replied, I don't know...he looked like he was one of those bad, leather-jacket, and sunglasses...... Belinda holds out a piece of what looks like a piece of a jacket... Knuckles glared at them and snatched it away... he goes to the woods that anyone saw Sonia... Knuckles thought, this is getting weird...I maybe stupid but I'm not cruel, careless, or fooled easily...still no one could easily disappear without a trace or letting any of their families know where they gone to...Sonics personality goes berserk once more and kills every foe we faced time to time accept for Shadow, Belinda is hiding something, and the disappearance of Sonics sister about...some year ago...there has to be a connection but what?...he even noticed theres something wrong before turning and said to himself but Knuckles was so busy looking around and walking around he bumped into another individual... in panic Knuckles said, oh I...I'm sorry I...I didn't look I swear I... a familiar voice said, fault...I shoulda looked carefully... Knuckles took an immediate look to see who is was... Knuckles said in surprise, S..Sonic? The blue hedgehog had a bandages wrapped around his right arm and was wearing a dark blue top with unattached sleeves with capris-like leggings but wears the same scarf, gloves, and sneakers...Sonic was surprised as he sees Knuckles for the first time in four years.... Sonic said, oh been four years...what's up... Knuckles said, oh...nothing much I...was just walking...that's all... Knuckles knew that Sonic isn't fooled easy.... Sonic said in a dull tone, Knuckles...*realizes* your here to find my sister aren't you? Knuckles said in a shameful tone, yeah...I didn't wanna give up...a promise is a promise Sonic...besides I looked everywhere and these village idiots kept on and on denying being involved...I hate it when everyone even gathered what Belinda had said...but I swear she and Charlie are hiding something...I'm relived Charlie's dead but...I coulda gotten information outta him..*sighs*...I've been thinking about you for four've been in my head for a very long time...despite the times I keep being nice to you....I have been such an idiot towards you....all I did was be mean to you and pretended you weren't there and that just a guy incident....I....well I felt so guilty for not defending you....when I should've been protecting you...telling them that you didn't do any harm...I should've...well...during that stupid group camping trip...I realized it was all my fault...I shoulda just...stood up for you instead of to you...I was so ashamed...when you were upset more I shoulda quit too in order to make you feel better and tell you to ignore those stupid halfwits...but instead I...let you walk away...I was such a coward....I shoulda just turn that camping trip down and talk to you to never give up...all these mistakes were mine...and everyone else.....but mostly me...during that shrew thing I shoulda just defend you and....I was supposed to support you...instead of...*trails off by his guilt*....but all those times....I was such an idiot...I couldn't even admit it to myself...I know you got hurt so many times...I was such a coward still....all those days...I...I didn't stood up for you once...I wasn't there when you needed me...some friend I am...*covers his eyes in shame and regret*...why couldn't I just be a good friend towards you?....I was....*Sonic cuts him off by placing a hand on his shoulder*....huh?... he sees Sonic with a concern look. The blue hedgehog had some concern and said, Knux...I know your very stress about your mistakes and all but....all those incidents were a complete disaster for my parents...they somehow find out about it and...everyone gets sued for all that...naturally my Mom and Dad won all the time...during that shrew incident I missed one...& my brother...had to run him over with his hover board...probably did that to show him to never mess with me and that skateboards were so last year...look I know your feeling bad's all in the past...during those were nice to me in the end...I know it's not enough but...look you always come through for me when I felt those other times you were there for me....might wanna take four for example Knux...

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