Chapter 8 - what happened back then?/ the kindness you shared

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<four years ago...Charlie's murder>

Sonics pov (just for once besides it's a flashback it's just for once)

I saw him walking down alone at night....I felt the urge to kill him but I also felt so angry...I couldn't take it...I followed him on the way to where I murdered him...Charlie looked suspicious... the thought of my sister filled me with sadness and anger towards him...I couldn't wait any longer and decided to make my move...I banged his face to the wall so hard and yelled, I HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR FOOLISHNESS NOW TELL ME WHERE IS SHE?! I banged him to the wall so hard Charlie nose was broken...he was bleeding...even shattered his glasses and violently pulled them out one by one hoping that I yanked out his eyes too... Charlie begged me and said, please if this is about your sister I told I didn't do anything I swear...I didn't do kill her or lay a finger on her... I yelled in a cold tone, YOUR LYING!!...I KNOW IT!!...TELL ME RIGHT NOW OR I WILL KILL YOU!!!... Charlie was scared of me... I tormented that pathetic bully and made him bleed... that's when he said while begging for mercy, PLEASE STOP PLEASE STOP I'LL TELL YOU EVERYTHING I KNOW!!! I was so angered but rage took over me as I pushed him to the wood chipper before I got a chance to finally know what happened to sissy...and I left him to die...

<flashback ends...the present>

Normal pov

Sonic in shame said, and that's all I know...I shoulda just got them when I killed him...besides I felt like I killed him for two reasons...but I...I don't know what.... I couldn't even know if I killed him because of what happened to my sister or what he had done to you...but I know that was no excuse for what I... Knuckles cute him off by looking at him with a concern look and said, were a bit too angry at him...I saw the way you glared at him during the counter productive were really mad at him for what he did...besides you've been nice to me too Sonic...when Charlie started to torment me...I never forgotten that kindness ya showed me... Sonic forgotten about that part...he normally caught dead doing something mushy...but when Knuckles sees it inside him... he couldn't help but blush a little... he could only remember the time it Sonic cried softly and silently..


Sonic saw the whole thing as Charlie took his lunch money...he was gonna have a picnic by himself when he sees Charlie tormenting Knuckles...he sees his picnic basket who only has grapes, snacks and drinks... Sonic knew how much Knuckles loved grapes... so he made up his mind... he rushes to him and said to Charlie with a very hateful glare, well too bad Chucky...he's coming with me for lunch... Charlie said, first off it's Charlie...not Chucky...Charlie... Sonic drags Knuckles away from him... three minutes later when the picnic was ready Sonic scooted a plate of grapes to him... Sonic said embarrassed, I was gonna have it by myself...I....well you can have the grapes...I'm not a fan of grapes mostly... Knuckles couldn't help but sees a side of Sonic he never noticed... after Charlie smudged his face with ice cream... Sonic rushes to him and said, hey you leave him alone...he didn't mean you no harm... Charlie said rudely, hey you stay outta this... Sonic said as he kicked in to the sky hard, GO AWAY OR I WILL PULVERIZE YOU TO BITS!!! Sonic was holding an I cream cone and said as he gave it to him, here...I...well I...I just didn't want to see you suffer... Knuckles thought, Sonics been a nicer than I normally see...when I see him he never shows any kinda soft side...not even when he's around me or Tails or the Knuckles said, about we both share it... Sonic blushed a little and said, uhhh...okay...*looks down and blushes* they shared it with Sonic holding the cone but when they accidentally got into each other's face... Sonics face turned pink mixed in with they finished.. Knuckles noticed Sonics face a bit pink and red... concern Knuckles said, are you okay Sonic?...*places a hand on his forehead as he pulled Sonic close to him* your not running a fever...but you look a bit red...are you getting sick? Sonic shot said, huh?...umm...well...I...I don't know...maybe... Sonics heart suddenly beats... Sonic thought, my heart?...why is it moving that fast?...I don't understand....why won't it stop?...please heart...please stop... Knuckles said, you should gets some rest... Sonic blushed a bit more and said, o..o..okay... Sonic stood up but felt his legs wobbling... he fell as Knuckles quickly catches him... Knuckles in concern said, let me help you...*helps him up and walks him back*

<flashback ends>

Sonic thought, why won't my heart stop? Knuckles sees Sonic in tears... Knuckles understood why he did it but he wasn't mad...that's when he pulled him close and said, it's okay's okay...I understand...shhhhh....sshhhh...shhh... he pets the blue hedgehogs head and calms him down in his embrace. Knuckles thought, we will find her...I promise... he holds the crying hedgehog tight in his arms while looking at the sky.

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