Chapter 6

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Pony P.O.V.

Darry and Two-bit both gave me a lengthy explanation on what happened.

Soda was panicked to say the least, and he wasn't even there.

I don't exactly remember what I had said to the socs to get me knocked out, but whatever it was I'm sure wasn't a smart move.

Darry was happier with me though since my English grade went up. Soda seemed happy not bein' a tug of war rope all the time, and me? Well I'm just glad to be here and not in some boys home. 

I felt bad not noticing before how much my brothers gave up for me. Darry would've made a heck of a college football player, and Soda? He could be out charming those pretty broads all night, not having to worry about living paycheck to paycheck.

I guess that's my problem with all this. My brothers are out working all day just to make sure we all make it out alright and I'm just going to school not helping a single bit.

Now Two-Bit on the other hand just goes to that Highschool for kicks. I just cause problems for everyone.

If I wasn't around Darry would have to work half the hours he does, Soda could spend his evenings with Steve and not have to stay back watching me.

If it wasn't for me Johnny and Dally wouldn't be dead.

If it wasn't for me than maybe the whole gang would be better off.

Soda had told me that he chose to be a drop-out. That he wasn't smart enough to go to school.

But I know that's not true. Soda's probably the brightest out of all of us. 

He knows when to keep quiet, when to speak. He knows how to make everyone laugh and make them feel happy. He understands me when sometimes even I don't. And last of all he knows how to deal with the socs.

Now if you ask me, that's smart. So what if he don't know algebra or how to write an essay. Being a good brother doesn't have that in the description, and if you ask me he fits the job just fine. 

Me not so much. Steve was right, I guess I am just a tag along.

Soda P.O.V.

Relief washed over me the second Pony woke. I don't know what I would've done if I had to go to work the next day knowing Pony was still unconscious.

I also felt bad for Steve. This whole week he'd been trying to get me to relax about Pony and have a little fun with him, but I had said no.

He knows how close I am with Pony, but I hate to see him alone all the time. It's bad enough he doesn't have anyone to look after him properly.

Darry had enough problems of his own to worry about every little thing. I should be there for Steve just like he's always there for me.

But I couldn't help but notice the lack of sparkle in Pony's eyes. 

Normally their shining even when he's upset, but now they're just dull.

It's like a book I can't read. You can search all you want but you'll never find the answers. 

Something was wrong with my kid-brother but I just don't know what. He's like a chest you just can't open. 

Pony's always been the clingy type when he's upset and recently he's been rejecting everyone including me.

Pony's never turned me down when I wanted to help him. I couldn't help but feel a little upset. I loved how close I was with him and now it's like he's suddenly cutting me off. 

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