Chapter 9

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Pony P.O.V.

I honestly wish I would've just stayed home. I sat there in the the theater chair for an hour watching meaningless dancing and girls in bikinis.

At least that night at the drive-in Cherry Valance was there to talk to. That's the only moment in my life where I felt so similar to someone so different. 

I guess she wasn't really a soc though. Socs had no emotion and no feelings. They didn't care. 

She wasn't like the rest of them. She watched the sunset when she could. She stood up for us greasers at the risk of losing her friends. We're they really her friends though?

Part of me guesses she just hung with them to say she did, not because she wanted to.

Maybe she was a soc though. She had told me not to take it personally when she ignored me at school. 

She had refused to visit Johnnycake when he was in the hospital. 

But yet she had the nerve to discuss sunsets with me. Surely someone who understood sunsets could understand just how stupid this whole thing is.

Why do we bother fighting? To say we won? 

It don't matter if we win 500 times. 

We will always be the juvenile hoods who walk around with cigarettes in our mouths and grease in our hair.

They will always be the high end classics who drive around in mustangs and madras shirts.

Things won't change because we ask them to. Never has, never will. 

Randy had said he wouldn't fight. That everything was pointless. 

That's why he wasn't a soc. 

He didn't brag about his house, or drive around jumping people.

He didn't threaten us or show off his madras shirts.

He treated us as if we were the same as him. Maybe that's why he ran away when Bob died. Not because he was scared, but because he was ashamed.

He had told me Bob was special. That he was a good guy. 

I understood when I looked at his yearbook picture. The face that smiled back wasn't the same cruel smile that threatened me and Johnny in the park. 

It's amazing what a little alcohol does to you. You loose your girlfriend, you loose yourself, you loose your life.

Randy had told me his parents never said no to him. 

Maybe that's why Two-Bit makes it out alright. That kid knows how to drink out an entire liquor store, I'll tell you that. Between his mother and Darry Two-Bit doesn't dare to drink too much in a day.

That's the difference between us and the socs. We have family. Someone who cares and knows how to protect us and raise us.

Sure they have family. A mother, a father, a sister, whatever. What they don't have is a real family.  One that watches over each other and makes sure no one gets in too much trouble.

They don't know what the word "no" means. That's why when they hear it from us they get all angry and mean. They don't know how to handle it. 

No one's ever bothered to tell them no to something so they just don't take it for an answer.

If only things were different. Then maybe we'd all be more similar.

I haven't been to the movies since that day at the drive-in. Honestly we all just went as something to do. You can only sit around and eat cake for so long before you get bored.

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