Chapter 18

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Pony P.O.V.

The sun rose like a flower opening, gifting its lushous petals to the world.

The blush of scarlet and the warmth of tangerine put me in a magical world of comfort and wonder. 

The luminous rays cast the whole world in a glow so radiant time seemed to stop.

I felt as if I were wrapped up in a warm fuzzy blanket, comfort washing over me like the heat of a fire on a cold winter day.

These moments were hard to describe. These were the moments that left me speechless, unable to speak of the true beauty something as simple as the sun has to offer.

Seconds drifted onto minute after lazy minute, the front steps of the house becoming a temporary settlement.

Pictures of my memories lay scattered across the stairs, scrapbook left abandoned.

"Ponyboy, it's time to take a trip to the doctor's office," Darry called out from the door.

I didn't wanna go, but if it meant my brothers would get off my back I was all for it.

When we got into the truck Soda slid in beside me, and this time I buckled myself.

The doctor's office brought back memories of sharp needles and scary check ups. 

I don't think I've been here since mom and dad took me when I ate some sort of creation made by Soda and got sick.

We walked into the waiting room to sit down. The room was much better than the white walls of the hospital. 

"Ponyboy Curtis," a woman in a white jacket with a clipboard said, coming into view.

"Right this way to room 4."

Soda must've noticed that I visibly tensed when we reached the room. "It'll be alright Pone." He said softly, encouragingly squeezing my arm.

"Pony you better take that sweatshirt off before the doctor comes in," Darry said from a chair.

I hope my brothers didn't see the alarm in my eyes, wide with fear and worry.

What will they say when they see?

"I don't really want to—"

"Pony, you'll need to take it off for your check-up."

"I-I can't-" I stammered, tears welling in my eyes. 

Soda came over and grabbed my face in his hands, positioning it so I was looking him dead in the eye.

I looked back to concerned chocolate eyes, practically melting with nothing but worry.

"Pony, honey, what's the matter?" He asked softly.

"I can't take it off Soda, then you'll see."

"See what baby?" He asked, concern flooding his features.

Tears streamed down my face and I did my best not to sob. Soda and Darry pulled off my sweatshirt carefully, igoring my pleads and cries.

"Pony, what's the matter?" Soda asked for the second time, observing my body and searching for what I was crying over.

"He's probably just overworked over nothing," I heard Soda whisper to Darry, who nodded in return.

I heard a light knock at the door and watched as it clicked open, revealing a younger looking doctor probably in their thirties.

"Hello Mr. Curtis, I'm Dr. Valance, and you must be Ponyboy?"

I nodded. Did he say his name was Dr. Valance? They must be related to Cherry. 

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