Chapter 15

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Darry P.O.V.

When I woke up I noticed the sky was clouded in a thick black mist, the street lights illuminating the velvety hue. 

I sat up and rubbed my face, noticing I was still in Pony and Soda's bed.

I got up and walked out to the living room to see what was going on. Pony was apparently awake since he wasn't in bed anymore.

When I rounded the corner I saw Pony and a Two-Bit playing a game of poker.

 Two-Bit had an ace hidden in his shoe, and Pony had a look of determination fierce in his eyes.

"You better watch out Two-Bit! I'm about to clean you out!" He said with a sense of pride and confidence. I saw the pack of cigarettes on the table the two were playing for. 

For once I was glad Two-Bit was cheating. The last thing Pony needs is another pack of smokes. He'll never be in shape for track season if he keeps this up.

"I wouldn't be so sure Pony," Two-Bit said, whipping out his ace.

"What? How?" Pony said looking a mix of surprised and exasperated.

"I guess I'm just too good!" Two-Bit said loudly, snatching up the pack of cigarettes on the table.

"But hey, I'll give you a smoke for trying." 

Pony rolled his eyes as he snatched it from Two-Bit. 

Two-Bit got one out for himself and stuck it in his mouth, preparing to light it.

"You got a lighter kid?"

Pony nodded and tossed it over to Two-Bit.

I decided to interfere the show before the whole house caught on fire because that brainless kid didn't have the sense to smoke outside. Either that or he just didn't care.

"Don't you dare think about it Keith Matthews. You wanna smoke you go outside." I said sternly.

It was funny how I could silence a room. One word from me and there were no questions. 

"You too, Ponyboy. And if I catch you smoking more than one before dinner your grounded for the rest of the week, am I clear?"

He nodded before getting up. I doubt he'd listen to me, but it made me feel better to know I got the rules laid out straight.

Pony never really reacted to my threats. He was the one person that would question me for what I'd say, or ignore every word I told him. 

I admire him for that sometimes, but it mostly drives me up the wall. 

Pony and Two were out of the house for the moment, so now I could actually start dinner.

I had no idea where Steve was, or if Soda would be awake for dinner, but I thought I'd better just make extras in case.

Within no time the chicken was baking in the oven. I went to go sit down in the living room, grabbing the stack of bills and sitting down.

Flipping through I stopped at a hospital bill. I examined it closely before sighing.

 When we checked Johnny in at the hospital we put him under my name, knowing full well his parents wouldn't give a hang about him at all.

I expected him to be alright in a few short days, an in and out sorta deal. Of course that wasn't the case, and I was left to pay for it.

 Now don't get me wrong, I'm happy to do some service for the kid, especially after all he's been through. We just don't have the money for it.

I guess that's what family does for each other. Everybody's there for each other in their ups and downs. It just seems like this down isn't going up anytime soon.

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