1 | Omega

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It has been a couple of days since Peter Hale was killed and Derek becoming an Alpha. I was still bitter about him technically using us and in the process he got exactly what he wanted, which was power.

Enough about that traitor, Like I said I've been spending my time at the hospital for Lydia's sake. And just recently she has woken up, making myself, and her parents happy thats she okay.

Stiles has been really sweet that he'll keep me company even though I assure him that he doesn't have to but, you can't change that's buzz cut mind. Funny to say, we really bonded this past month and I really gotten to know him. Like his bizarre love for Star-wars and Batman. Two of the movies I've never seen nor have no intentions of seeing.

As for Scott, he's been playing Romeo and Juliet with Allison after her father, a werewolf hunter, refusing Allison to see her werewolf boyfriend. Which obviously didn't stop them from seeing each other. They call it romantic and I call it risky. Chris Argent has been a hunter way longer Scott and I have been werewolves combine, and enviably he'll find out about their relationship which he did about a few days ago.

Scott, Stiles and I are still confused about the whole situation about Lydia. We found out that her bite wound healed, but she's not a werewolf and obviously she's not dead. We have different theories, but they none of them made any sense. My bite healed literally the next day and so did Scott's but, Lydia's wound left a scar.

I've left a few minutes ago to get a snack from the vending machine, leaving Stiles alone. When I came back with a bag of peanuts in my hand and a bottle of water, I found him sleeping on the hospital chair and using another chair that was besides him as a support for his legs. He was quietly snoring and he was mumbling something.

"Has he been here all night?" Mr. Martin, Lydia's Dad, asked.

"Oh, he's been here all weekend. He's been here with Reese, keeping her company. Is he your boyfriend Reese?" Mrs. Martin ask. Why do I always get asked that question?

"No we're not dating at all. We're just.... good friends." It was true, after everything we've been through, I consider Stiles and Scott as one of my closest friends now. I hope they don't make me regret calling them my friends.

"I going to go wake up the spaze." I said as I excuse myself and went towards the buzz cut boy. I went to an empty chair next to him and sat down, as I place my snacks on the table across of me.

"Mmm. You first... oh me first...okay." I furrow my eyebrows at his commentary as he was sleeping. I rolled my eyes before lightly-trying to wake him up.

"Mmm, Reese. Oh Reese. Reese. Oh right there faster. Oh you're dirty..." My eyes widen immediately when he said my name. Oh my god is he having a sex dream with me in it? Yep, I regret calling him my friend now.

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐊 𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐃𝐀𝐖𝐍 | 𝙏𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙒𝙤𝙡𝙛Where stories live. Discover now