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Cheng cheng's point of view

I am here, in our courtyard, practicing for tommorow.

I don't know my feelings yet, It's probably infatuation but why am I doing this to myself?

"Chengcheng, can I help you with something?" Nana asked.

"Nothing Nana."

"Hey, I thought you quitted basketball long time ago?" Nana asked.

"Yes, but since I will leave in a couple of days I might aswell take my last play out here." I said

"Are you sure? Because the reason on why you quitted...."

"It's okay Nana, I can handle it." I said.

"You know, Y/N? I think she's good for you. You are very happy with her these past few days."

I smiled back.

Nana is my granny, she's always there for me. All the time.

I did some few basic shots, like long throws and stuffs not until I felt a cramp on my knee.

"Shoot!" I growled so loud.

Fudging, Cheng Cheng why are you doing this to yourself?

I was about to act normal not until I stumbled, the pain is so real I can't take this anymore.

"CHENG CHENG!" Nana said and ran towards me and asked for help.


"Mr. Jiang, can you do something else? I really need my knee for tommorow."

"Listen, Cheng. You are too young, and if we won't act up then you might not be able to enjoy the rest of your youth." He said.

"Uh, I can take painkillers! Or any medications!" I said

"No Cheng, Listen. Painkillers will overdose you so I can't recommend you. You have taken so many that It may affect your liver."

I bowed down slightly.

"But I really need to..."

"I requet you for immediate surgery tommorow, no buts." The doctor said.

"Can I please please?"

He sighed. "I'm doing this for your own good but fine, since you are really hard headed then sure, I'll let you take few medications for your game tommorow, after this. No buts, you'll be operated."

I sighed

"Sure Mr. jiang, thank you."

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