Cold wind, storm of death

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It is not intended to infringe the rights of those who own the franchises: "The Witch's House" and "Bettlejuice". Translation done with DeepL and myself, sorry for grammar and punctuation errors, thank you.


Capítulo 1: Cold wind, storm of death

An icy wind that blows with disdain over the treetops of a small dark forest.

A creepy forest where even the sounds of animals and insects are perceived as distant, with the exception of the loud squawking of black rooks.

Rooks fluttering from branch to branch, destroying the countless webs that stubbornly cross the forest in a futile attempt to withstand the cruel gale.

Does this forest have a name? The adults who live near it avoid it. The children call it... the witch's forest.

A little girl whispers to her companion, both of them pedaling on an old bicycle for two cyclists.

The girl's appearance matches perfectly with the intimidating forest. Her perfect face has a white skin tone which contrasts with her dark hair, like seeing the wings of a crow on a moonless night.

The wind swayed the girl's blackest hairs, and her somewhat long, voluminous hairstyle reached down to her shoulders. The front part was in the High Class style and the back part was elegant in the Bobby Cut style.

The huge, black eyes like dark gems that at first penetrated the black forest now turned their attention to the boy behind her.

"Lydia, it's very cold because of the wind," complained the young man.

"The wind is blowing stronger and stronger," said Lydia. "Soon a storm will fall, let's go back to Winter River.

The girl was wearing her school uniform at the time, a navy blue suit with the school's coat of arms on the left side. Her long skirt was made of tartan of a colour ranging from blue to bluish grey and interspersed in rows. On this one, Lydia had put on a kind of jet-black skirt that covered two-thirds of the school's statutory skirt. Another "improvement" to his regulatory uniform had been to replace the neat, white shirt with a black one.

Percy, on the other hand, wore a casual outfit, but like Lydia, his black hair was swayed by the wind.

"Let's go back to the Peaceful Pines road," said Percy, and the two young pair rode hard.

The sound of thunder, which at first was heard far away, was now loud and repeated more regularly, as was the almost continuous flash of lightning, casting the shadow of the two young cyclists in strange angles and dreadful shapes that invited surprise and fainting.

The sound of rain was coming, neither Lydia nor Percy could escape the storm.

"Look Percy, there's a covered bridge up ahead!" Lydia said and the two of them started pedalling harder.

The covered bridge offered protection from the heavy rain and hail that followed.

The storm just above the bridge unfolded several powerful lightning bolts, some of them in the form of spectral hands that wanted to grab something or someone from the ground to carry it into the darkness.

"What's that loud noise?" Percy asked.

"They look like debris bumping into each other... They are rocks, huge rocks that bump into each other because of the force of the water that carries them downstream.2

Lydia Deetz and the witch's house (completed 14/14)Where stories live. Discover now