The Rose Barrier

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Capítulo 13: The Rose Barrier

Lydia, Viola and Percy, stood in front of the north gate of the garden and wondered how they would get around the danger of the room considering they only had a pair of glass slippers.

"Let me try, Lydia!" Percy pleaded.

"I'm sorry, Percy, but I don't think you're going fast in these women's sneakers."

"Then let Viola go!" Percy implored.

"Percy! Don't worry, I'll be safe," said Lydia. "Viola, don't let Percy follow me."

"Okay," Viola nodded, and then Lydia rushed into the room.

To the north of the room with the poison, there was a hallway whose watery floor was so poisonous that it would kill anyone not wearing the glass slippers. In the middle of the race, Percy's body fell from the heights and crashed to the ground, dying instantly.

Lydia narrowed her eyes and forced herself to go faster, sure that what she saw was just another illusion of the house.

The young lady arrived on solid ground near the door. She was already safe, but the glass slippers broke into thousands of pieces.

Fortunately, both of Lydia's feet had her stockings and Percy's along with Viola's for added protection, so her soles were not cut with the glass.

Lydia carefully took off her socks and put her shoes back on which she had taken them with her.

"Well, I guess I'll have to find a way out of this hallway."

Lydia walked through the door and found a small garden and at the entrance to it was Kira, the black cat.

In the center of the garden, there was a thin desk that did not match when exposed to the weather, and above it, another fragment of the witch's diary.

"I didn't kill her because she saved me from my illness."

"So I made her my'friend'."

"What is a "friend" supposed to be?" Kira asked.

"In this case means someone you want to save."

"JE, you are a strong, child of darkness," said Kira, closing his eyes, "you knew from the beginning that..."

Behind the desk there was another door leading to a small corridor that had another door, but Lydia couldn't open this one.

Lydia returned in his footsteps without knowing how to get back through the deadly corridor. However, to his surprise, all the poison in the hallway had disappeared and been replaced by ordinary water.

"Lydia!" shouted Percy, who was running towards her.

"Percy, the poison on the floor is gone."

"How are you, Lydia?"

"I'm fine, although I'm afraid I lost your socks... and yours, Viola."

"Don't worry," said Viola, "did you find anything?"

Lydia told them what she had discovered, omitting the witch's diary.

"What will be behind that door?" Viola asked, pointing to a door that had appeared halfway down the hall.

The group opened the door and found an underground corridor as there were many waterfalls in the area. In the end they found a doll dressed in purple that had no head and took it, and at that moment a lot of insects fell to the wet floor and ran in chaos all over the place.

Lydia Deetz and the witch's house (completed 14/14)Where stories live. Discover now