The cat came out of the bag

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Capítulo 2: The cat came out of the bag

A black spider, as black as night and with long legs resembling claws, ran its web, which was built on the surface of one of the small tall windows on the first floor of Viola's house.

The strong wind of the storm made the dirty glass vibrate, but the spider did not change its mind, it seemed to be laughing at the black storm and its dark and vain intentions to break the glass.

Far below the web bathed in the yellow light of the spotlight, two girls and a boy were sitting at a large, but somewhat rough, wooden table. From the spider's perspective, the three children appear to be trapped flies ready to be wrapped and then devoured.

"Thanks for the tea, Viola" Lydia thanked the blonde girl.

"From what Percy told me, you're Gothic. I thought you preferred coffee."

"No, tea is my favorite."

"Black tea," said Percy, who was drinking hot milk at the time and making Viola laugh.

Lydia lowered the blood-red tea and gracefully raised her eyebrows and looked up at Percy for a second before smiling gently at the cat boy's words.

"Hey Percy," said Viola, a little worried, "are you sure the milk isn't too hot?"

"Yes, and I love it," said Percy happily, "before I couldn't drink hot milk, it had to be lukewarm and it had to be reduced with water."

"Eh, why?"

"As Lydia would say, it's complicated."

"You might say so," said the Gothic girl.

Seeing that her two guests preferred to keep quiet about certain things, Viola preferred not to insist on the matter.

"I'm sorry, Viola," said Lydia, "you told us earlier that you had a friend who lived in the woods."

"A witch friend!" Suddenly Percy said, who raised his arm and put on a happy face.

"Yes, but I think I exaggerated that about her being a witch. The other children say that she is a witch because she lives in the forest in an old house and it is very scary... like your house Lydia."

"I see..." said Lydia and an awkward silence fell over the three young kids."

"Viola mistrusts," thought Lydia. "She realized that Percy and I kept secrets. I don't want to keep secrets from Viola, but I don't know how she'll take the matter of Percy actually being an anime/manga catboy and me being a witch."

"And you live alone in this house?" Lydia asked her a bit suspicious about the personal question.

"No, my dad lives with me, my mom died giving birth to me."

"I'm so sorry, Viola."

"Don't worry, what about you?... There are crazy rumors going around about your family, are they really coming from New York?"

"Yes, I used to live on Prince Street. Because of my father's nervous breakdown we decided to move to Winter River."

"It must be very boring in Winter River, if you compare it to New York."

"Actually, I'd rather be here, I like to live in my own house than in a rented one."

"But the house and the garden were very big," said Percy, who seemed to want to lick his empty cup of milk and hold the cup tight with his long, delicate fingers, "oh, how good my hands feel, they're already warm... hot, hot, hot!"

Lydia Deetz and the witch's house (completed 14/14)Where stories live. Discover now