frog sacrifice, cat's blood

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Capítulo 8: frog sacrifice, cat's blood

After the late challenge of putting the living room as a reflection of its east and west sides, the group walked through the door and found themselves in a small room that had the same floor as the previous enclosure.

The small room consisted of an elegant desk on a red carpet, and beside the desk and glued to the wall was a sign that prayed:

"Go through the next door and don't let anything distract you."

"There's a diary on the desk," said Lydia, who took the diary that was open and was right in the middle of the lamp and the flower vase.

The little diary was very badly treated as many of its pages were burned and many of the notes written there could not be read.

"My mother and father didn't love me."

"So I'll..."

"I've been in this house ever since."

"What do we do now, Lydia?" Percy asked.

"According to the note," Lydia said, "as soon as we walk through the door we have to keep moving forward no matter what."

"What will the trap be this time?" asked Viola.

The note could have warned us of a particular danger but it didn't," Lydia reasoned, "that means that the danger we'll see won't be real. The danger is to stray from the path, we will surely find one or more illusions in front of us that will try to frighten or tempt us, so whatever happens, we must go in a straight line and without turning around to look back or to the sides.

"Then we'd better go in single file and hold each other's shoulders one after the other."

"I'll take the lead," Percy offered.

"Better not," said Lydia, "the house can show you an elusive mouse and your instinct could force you to run after it. You'd better get in the middle, Viola will go ahead and I'll go at the end to make sure nothing distracts you Percy."

The kids agreed and walked through the door.

The next environment consisted of the same long, carpeted corridor as the previous time. It was obvious what they would find next.

The image of a dagger was going to them, but as they had agreed before, they kept running forward no matter what, and indeed, the dagger turned out to be just an illusion.

Near the end of the hall were two entrances on either side of the carpet. The kids could see out of the corner of their eye some fine furniture and other things.

"Don't get distracted, let's go on," Lydia reminded them and the kids walked through the door at the end of the hall.

On the other side of the door they found a small room that had the already known huge stone tiles and bluish rectangular stone walls.

"Oh, we made it, girls," Percy said, "look, there's a note on the floor."

"He's hungry."

"You know, I'm not so excited anymore," Percy said, as he held his tail to his nervousness.

"There's only one door other than the one we already went through," said Lydia, "Percy, can you hear what's behind this one?"

"There's something behind it, it's like it's crawling," Percy told them, "I see that there's a kind of peephole, I'll see if I can open it."

Lydia Deetz and the witch's house (completed 14/14)Where stories live. Discover now