Mother and her puppy

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Capítulo 4: Mother and her puppy

The evil mist was present within the clearing with the difference that here it ran faster due to a supernatural wind howling like a hungry wolf and ready to be satisfied with human flesh.

"I'd better light the peace pipe," Percy suggested, but was stopped by Lydia.

"No need Percy, the fog was meant to disorientate us in the forest. Here in the clearing it loses its target."

Just a few steps ahead, Percy sensed a tiny glimmer of light a few feet away from the clearing.

"Look Lydia..."

"We'd better investigate."

The two kids found an old machete, it was stuck in a stump. It reminded them in a way of the excalibur sword.

"Leave this to me, Lydia," said the catboy and then pulled the machete out of the hard stump, then Percy's ears went to the clearing.

"What's going on, Percy?"

"Viola is in the clearing."

"We'd better go to her."

Viola looked confused because she couldn't get out of the clearing and made a jump when she saw Lydia and Percy approach her to meet her.

"...Lydia, Percy."

"Viola, you're all right!" Lydia asked her worried.

"Eh, yeah, I just can't get out of the clearing because of the roses."

"We can't get out of the clearing either, I think we're trapped," said Lydia, while Percy's ears turned in his girlfriend's direction. Percy has a machete, but I doubt we can use it to get out.

"Going towards the house," said Viola, "there is a passage that leads to the house, but it is blocked by other roses, but not as numerous as the rose garden in front of us."

"What can we do, Lydia?" Percy asked nervously.

"I think we have no choice but to head for the house, maybe we can find a way out of here."

"Are you sure you can't do anything, Lydia?" asked Viola.

"Nothing at all," denied Lydia with her head, "once here, I discovered that my magic was neutralized. Tell me, Viola, do you think you can convince Ellen to follow us home? It's obvious this place is responsible for your friend's deteriorating health."

"I don't think so, Lydia. In fact, I think it's Ellen who won't let us leave the house. The best thing to do is to avoid her... you see, she's gone crazy and now she's very dangerous."

"But didn't you say she was sick?" Percy asked.

"She's dangerous, I can see that now! We gotta get out of this place! I just want to go back to my dad," said Viola and cried.


"I know, Percy. Well, Viola's right, this evil environment is draining our lives, even if we stay here, we'll end up dying. The only way out we have is to get into the house and get a way out of here."

The three present nodded their eyes and headed for the house.

To the left of the road was a dead tree and to the right a live one. The plants that adorned the surrounding area wore their opaque petals, surely a product of the cursed aura that surrounded the whole place.

Lydia Deetz and the witch's house (completed 14/14)Where stories live. Discover now