Ravens and frogs in the cursed forest

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Capítulo 3: Ravens and frogs in the cursed forest

The sky early in the morning was gray due to the clouds that did not decide whether to continue or not with the storm of the previous night. Only a few distant thunderbolts threatened in vain all the creatures that dwelled on the earth.

"The storm is over," said Lydia, "but the drizzle continues."

"The smell of grass and wet soil is intense," said Percy.

"Follow my father and you will reach Winter River," said Viola, "as the other bridge collapsed, you will have to take the old stone bridge."

"This time," said Travis, Viola's father, "it's a long detour, so we'd better get going."

Percy went to take the tandem and Lydia hugged Viola to thank her and say goodbye.

"Thanks for letting us stay at your place, Viola. Don't forget what I told you about Ellen, don't do the body swapping spell."

Viola was about to answer her friend but Travis was already rushing the kids and Lydia had to get on the tandem with Percy.

The soft chirping of the morning birds was replaced by a loud chirping as the morning progressed and the three finally reached the old stone bridge.

A pair of majestic crows walked arrogantly across the bridge while apparently squawking at the fog that was beginning to swirl around.

"There used to be a crude bridge made of fallen trees, the Crow tribe natives built it," Travis said. "All this land belonged to them before they were relocated to the Indian reservation."

"Thank you very much Mr. Travis, I think that from here Percy and I can go quietly to Winter River."

"You're welcome, Lydia, I'll go ahead, I have to tell the mayor's office about the collapse of the bridge."

The man walked away and Lydia went to the crows who looked at her curiously.

"What are you doing, Lydia?" Percy asked her.

Before I go back to the village, I have to do something....



Lydia's snobby stepmother, Delia Deetz, was reluctant to get up late because she had to make sure her stepdaughter went to school. Charles, her husband, was still sleeping while he was babbling something that sounded like a "double bacon burger". The man missed the New York food.

"I think Charles needs more of my culinary delicacies," said the insufferable woman, who remained convinced that her disgusting dishes were a delight.

"Lydia, get ready for school!" said Delia as she knocked on the door of her stepdaughter's room, "Yesterday you didn't tell us you arrived young lady!"

No one answered and when Delia was about to open the girl's room, a voice was heard on the other side of the door.

"I woke up, I'm going to school right away."

"Are you okay? Your voice sounds like you have a cold."

"I'm going to school right away."

The woman decided to go back to her room and continue sleeping, as a raven came out of Lydia's room, around her feathered neck, a ring of fuchsia light had just burst into thousands of tiny fragments. Lydia's spell was over.

Lydia Deetz and the witch's house (completed 14/14)Where stories live. Discover now