Blue marble statue

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Capítulo 10: Blue marble statue

The puzzle of the four rooms and the sound in each of them was far from over so Lydia and her group headed towards the room of the replicas of the Mona Lisa.

Following the instructions in the note, they went to one of the paintings that seemed to be looking at them severely, despite the enigmatic smile they possessed.

"If the blue eyes see the marker," Lydia reasoned, "then the picture of the Mona Lisa with black hair will show us where the rest of the puzzle is."

Lydia went right to the front of the painting and turned until she saw the south wall.

"There must be whatever it is that we must find."

The kids went to the south wall and right in that place and in front of the painting of the black-haired Mona Lisa, there was a crack in the wall, and there was a piece of paper on it.

"I think it's a musical score," said Percy, and then his ears turned back.

A spectral figure was going towards the group, it was the image of the Mona Lisa, but this one exhibited a gloomy face with empty mouth and basins.

"What's that!" Percy shouted.

"Run away!" Lydia shouted and everyone surrounded the furniture in the room to put some distance between them and the spectrum.

"The door won't open!" Lydia shouted, seeing her efforts to open the locked door to no avail.

"Let's go to the painting!" shouted Viola and the group followed her.

"Percy breaks the frame!" Viola ordered, and Percy did so.

The dark specter disappeared as it melted into the prevailing darkness of the room within walking distance of the boys.

"That really scared me," Percy said, as he went over to Lydia and hugged her, "are you all right?"

Lydia nodded and the group left the room.

The group was in the main hallway when Ellen was heading towards them!

Ellen's image faded in a blink of an eye within inches of them, causing them a scare.

As they walked towards the door next to the soldier nutcracker, they saw that two of the gas lamps were on, although this did nothing to improve the poor lighting of the place.

As they walked through the door, the first thing they saw was the grand piano, it was obvious what they should do next.

Lydia carefully put the musical score on the piano and suddenly the piano began to play a melody on its own, the piano keys pressing on their own as if an invisible pianist was playing the piece of the score.

The beautiful vase with the sumptuous floral arrangement vibrated and then a key materialized in front of it.

"I know what to do with this key," Lydia said resolutely and the group went out into the main hallway. Now, the third gas lamp had been lit.

The group entered the room with the paintings and as they approached the north door, a woman's face appeared just behind the shattered painting of the Mona Lisa.

"We better hurry," Viola suggested and the group walked through the door.

"With this key I'll start the old clock," said Lydia, "Percy, help me with that chair."

Lydia Deetz and the witch's house (completed 14/14)Where stories live. Discover now