Where It Hurts

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Once she arrived, Y/N greeted her fellow Gladers and looked back to wave Minho over. But, before she could find a place to sit, two pairs of arms dragged her down to the ground. Newt and Thomas squished the girl between them, laughing the entire time. In the few minutes Y/N and Minho had still been in the homestead, Newt and Thomas had obviously downed some of Gally's vile drink.

Between her friends, Y/N felt at home. They may have been living in a seemingly inescapable stone box, but at least in moments like these they were happy. At peace. Carefree.

"C'mon Minho! What're you standing around for!?" Newt hollered, motioning for the runner to join them.

Somewhat hesitantly, Minho found his way to Newt's side and immediately he was engulfed in one of the blondes gangly arms. He could hear Y/N's laughter from the other side as she talked with Thomas about the Glade and all of its quirks. What he also heard was cries of downcast complaints from the rest of the boys mulling about.

"Awh c'mon!" Some of them shouted, looking up the the sky. Then, that was when Minho felt it. Raindrops began to land on his head, lighting streaked across the sky and thunder rolled in the distance. No one cared about the storms themselves—it was the fact that everyone had to sleep in the homestead on rainy nights.

"Time to wrap it!" Alby called out "Everyone in the homestead tonight!"

Grumbles and whispers of complaint washed over all of the Gladers, but nevertheless, they all made their way towards the building.

"Why is does everyone seem so angry about it?" Thomas asked Y/N as they trod through the grass.

"Nights like this, the homestead gets real crammed. It may seem big, but once you try and squish fifty boys in there? Ha." Y/N explained. "But don't worry, I'll make sure you get a good room."

With that Y/N bounded off into the dark, chasing after Alby. She easily struck up a conversation with the first-in-command before pointing to Thomas. Whatever she asked, Alby nodded and sent her on her way.

"Good news! You've got the best room in the house!" Y/N exclaimed proudly. "But—"

"But what?" Thomas raised a brow.

"You're sharing with Minho and I. His room is clean, but it smells. Don't worry, it's just the running shoes." The girl laughed a little and faked a gagging noise.

Inside the homestead, blankets and pillows were being handed out as Alby divvied up boys, sending some of them to stay in the keepers rooms while others he let set up in the main living area. Y/N was right. Thomas had to admit, it was stuffy in here.

"Minho! C'mon!" Y/N shouted over the crowd in hopes of locating him. It didn't take long for the runner to push though the crowd and make his way to the girl.

"Seriously?" He sighed. "I have to share with you again? Who decided this?"

"I did." Alby barged into the conversation with a wide grin on his face. "Y/N's the most reasonable shank here. You're welcome." He shoved some blankets and a pillow into Minho's chest.

"And be nice because you have Thomas joining too." Alby pointed an accusatory finger right at Minho. The dark haired boy rolled his eyes and tramped up the stairs, Thomas and Y/N following right behind.

While Thomas set up his makeshift bed on the floor, Minho and Y/N began to have their own little fight which seemed to sprout out of nowhere. Luckily for Thomas, it appeared friendly enough.

"Don't mess with me, shuckface! I'll punch where it really hurts!" She raised a fist.

"WOAH!" Minho yelped jumped back in sheer terror. "That's nasty, shebean."

"I mean your back! Your cut. Not there!" She had to explain. Though, if he pissed her off enough, who knows. She'd throw a punch were it really hurt if she had to. But, for now, threatening to hit the cut on his back seemed like enough of a threat.

"Alright—Alright." He gave up. "We can share the bed. Just stay on your side."

"You stay on your side! Last time you kicked me off in the middle of the night." She retorted, jumping into the small bed.

"That was an accident and you know it." He teased, following her actions and jumping into the bed.

Each of their heads were at a different end of the bed, Minho's legs so long that they almost reached her face. Y/N would have complained about the smell of his feet or how much room he took up on the bed, but she didn't dare do so. If she did, she'd be sleeping on the floor with Thomas.

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