Bonding Time

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"I told you I'd find us a cool job, Y/N!" Minho smiled like a child and pranced towards Y/N with two running backpacks in his hands. What they could need them for, Y/N wasn't quite sure yet. But, a backpack certainly wasn't something required for the mundane jobs around camp.

Y/N raised her brows and laughed, slightly surprised to see Minho tramping around so happily. Whatever kind of job he found must've been rather exciting. "What's this so called job?"

"Runners," He scoffed as if it was obvious. "Like we'd be suited for any other kind of job."

"What kind of runner? Certainly, were not looking for a way to escape this place." She fumbled with the pack and examined its contents. Knives, flares, bags and containers of food. Y/N had a feeling this kind of running wasn't exactly going to be what she'd expected.

"Supply runners," Minho slung his pack over his shoulders and fastened the straps over his chest. "No one else will even consider heading out of camp, but there's medical supplies out there we need."

"And, Denver is way too far away." Minho huffed. "Even though everything we could ever need would be there." He grumbled.

"No shit," Y/N let out a heavy breath. "That place burned down and is probably crawling with the few cranks that are left."

"That's why we head to the smaller cities around here." Minho smirked. "Sounds like fun, eh?!"

"Sounds like a death trap, small city or not." Y/N crossed her arms defensively and sent a forewarning glare. She, just as much as Minho, yearned for adventure. But this was crossing a line. It was toying with death. "Besides, it's a two day hike through the mountain pass to get to the nearest city."

"That, my dear Y/N, is why we have the rover." Minho threw his arm over Y/N's shoulder and dragged her through the centre of camp to the other side where the vehicles were parked.

"You're kidding me." Y/N threw her head back in disbelief. "We're really gonna do this? So many things could go wrong."

"Yeah," He shrugged. "But what hasn't already gone wrong in our lives? Plus, nothing is going to happen in this camp. It's worth the risk, shebean. Bonding time."

"Bonding over hoping we don't killed by cranks? Right."

Minho giggled a little awkwardly, thinking he was sly. "There's a reason people who have been through so much crap end up together, Y/N."

"Minho," Y/N stifled a laugh and looked up at his lively, yet rather confused, eyes. "We already have been through enough crap and are already together."

"Right, I forget that sometimes." He pushed Y/N towards the rover even more encouragingly. "How did I get so lucky?"

"I don't know cause you're a real pain in the ass somedays."

"But you love me." A huge grin grew on Minho's face as he placed both of his hands on either side of the vehicles doorframe, eyes locked on Y/N. The girl in the passengers seat pushed him back playfully, slamming the door shut.

"Sure," She rolled her eyes. "You can drive right?"

"Uhhhhmm—" Minho cringed as he sat down in the drivers seat. "No."

Y/N's mouth fell agape and she punched his arm. "I thought Vince taught you!"

Laughter erupted from the boy and he fired up the engine. "I'm kidding. I'm the best."

Suddenly, the rover jolted forwards and Minho slammed on the breaks, looking to Y/N with wide eyes. He knew how to drive. Surely he did. There was no way he'd forgotten everything Vince had taught him in just a few days. "I promise he taught me."

"I'll take your word for it." Y/N huffed and put her feet up on the dashboard. "Let's get going then!"

Y/N and Minho were always set out for a much different life than everyone else. They thrived off of danger and adventure whilst everyone would prefer to remain in the safety of camp. Just as food, water and shelter were a necessity to survive, so was their need to experience new things and visit new places.

Despite the desire to explore, Y/N wasn't sure this was the best idea. They'd just made it to paradise alive. They were safe and happy. Yet, they were willingly walking back into the hell they'd come from. Sure, it was important to gather the supplies needed to treat the ill and fill the holes for what couldn't be produced at camp. But, sending two people into a city of the walking dead probably wasn't the best idea. Seeing as how Minho could be so reckless at times, Y/N had a bad feeling.

The fresh air which blew her hair back in a flurry made her heart say otherwise, though. She felt completely free. Out of the maze, away from WICKED and no longer being hunted for a cure. She had Minho at her side and they were able to live happily.

Ever so often, Y/N would feel a pang of guilt and sorry for the friends she'd lost throughout this entire journey. Alby, Chuck, Winston, Teresa and Newt. Along with so many more Gladers she hardly ever had the chance to talk to. It was a kind of guilt and sorrow that would grab onto her heart and press an overly burdensome weight upon her chest. It caused her to become lost in her thoughts, wincing at the echo of their familiar laughter and voices in her memories. All she wanted was to have them back, or maybe, even have been in their place.

WICKED, even after the trials, left a wave of destruction in the minds of their subjects. Thomas, Gally, Minho and Frypan were all equally torn apart, thinking about the friends they'd once had. There were days when they cried together, and days when they didn't even talk to one another. They were still coping with the aftermath. Minho seemed to be holding up the best, but Y/N figured it was because he'd always been the best at hiding how he felt.

"Alright, shebean." Minho stopped the rover on the edge of a cliff, overlooking the valley before them, the sun just falling below the horizon. "Stop thinking about that stuff."

"What?" Y/N snapped out of her thoughts and rubbed her face, sighing.

Minho looked to the girl with both a sorry and somewhat frustrated glance. "The Glade. Everybody who didn't make it. Stop it. It's interfering with our bonding time."

"I'm trying." Y/N whimpered. It was hard to just stop thinking about the people who sacrificed themselves so she could get this far.

"Watch the sunset instead." Minho smiled lightly, looking out the front window of the rover. "It's better."

She did as told and waited for the sun to completely fade away. "Are you worried about what we might find? Or if we'll find what we need—"

"What's there to worry about when I have you with me?" Minho snickered and stared so adoringly at the girl it was almost sickly.

"You never know, I guess." Y/N shrugged. The next couple days would be, by far, beyond interesting.

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