They'll Come For Us

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 Minho wasn't sure where they were. They were most definitely still in the berg, but lightning crashed down all around, thunder screamed and rain pelted the sides of the aircraft. There wasn't a single window he could see clearly out of. Since everyone was asleep or half-waken looking, Minho figured they'd been flying a lot longer than he thought. Which, sent his hopes of escape crashing down. Even if he did get Y/N and the others out, there would be no where to go. The Right Arm would be hundreds of miles away by now.

A small part of the runner wanted to give up. Wanted to give into whatever WICKED wanted and live out the rest of his life as a lab-rat. After all, what life would there be for him if he did make it to the so called 'paradise?' A life of boredom? Loneliness? Constantly on the move, never belonging anywhere? Whatever paradise entailed, he wasn't so sure it was worth fighting for anymore. They were all going to die someday.

Those thoughts would have taken over his mind if he hadn't looked at Y/N. He would have completely given up if it weren't for her. She looked sick. Not just a normal ill, either. If Minho hadn't known better, he would have guessed she was dying. Her eyes were fatigued and broken, her hair was a mess, her body shook and she could hardly keep her head lifted. Minho was sure he looked equally as awful. Every bone is his body ached from laying on the metal floor for so long, his clothes were stiff from dried sweat and he knew his hair was a train wreck. When he tried to speak, things only went downhill.

His voice was nearly nonexistent, hoarse and sent a stinging pain up his throat when he tried to force words up it. "Y/N..."

Apparently his catastrophic attempt to speak her name did the trick as the girl lifted her head.

That was when his heart broke and lungs filled with a burning vexation. Y/N's face was bruised, the blood on it left untreated, now dried and cracked. She looked to be in pain in more places than one.

"I'm ok," She croaked. The girl could see the anger in Minho's eyes and knew she needed to give an explanation before he forced one out of one of the guards. "They wanted to know where Thomas was heading. But, I couldn't tell them the truth because I don't know." A small smile flickered on her face. "Apparently that was worthy of a few punches."

Minho wanted to kill whoever it was that did this. Likely, Rat Man. But, at the same time, he didn't want to even see who hurt her. He just wanted to take her in his arms, get off of this berg and go hide some place until she was better. He wanted to get away from everyone and everything that was happening and pretend like it didn't matter. He wanted to go back to the Glade, where he was comfortable and safe.

He wanted to run away from everything that tormented him. Something he'd been doing back in the Glade every day without having even realized. He thought he was a hero for running the maze, but he was nothing more than a scared kid who couldn't face the reality of dying in an inescapable stone box. So, instead, he ran to keep things off of his mind.

Without meaning, Minho slipped into his memories. He remembered when Y/N came up in the box, the day he'd nearly killed her. He remembered all the nights they'd spent laughing and telling stories under the stars. Remembered when she'd become a runner, and how he'd told her 'I was fine on my own.' Right now, he regretted those words because he wasn't fine on his own. She was the thing that kept him fighting all this long and held him together no matter what happened.

"Alright everybody!" Janson's voice sounded like a fire alarm and everyone perked up. "We're transferring you to a holding facility where we will be running tests daily. You are free to live as you wish between procedures, but know any acts against WICKED are here by now punishable by death."

"You all are the ticket to helping us find a cure," Ava pitched in. "We promise to provide the best care we can to you, but know, the tests will not be easy. Some sacrifices must be made."

Everyone who WICKED had taken was too tired to even groan in detest. Aris, Sonya and Harriet all sat with blank eyes, also seeming to have given up. At this point, Minho knew there would be no escape from the inside. They'd have to wait, hoping day by day for Thomas and the others to come for them. At least between tests it seemed Minho would be able to spend time with Y/N, which at this point, was all he wanted. He could care less where he was and what awful things surrounded him as long as he was with her. However, the look on Teresa's face as she stood at Janson's side unsettled Minho. She looked guilty, afraid and above all, sorry. Whatever tests they would soon have to endure would not be pleasant.

In the very least, wherever they were heading would have food, water, a bed and clean clothes.

Minho was kind of surprised when the WICKED guards led everyone into the facility. It was older, had to be swept for cranks, and the lights were harshly bright. But, it looked just like the one they had originally been taken to after leaving the maze. They were shown to their rooms and left for the night.

Minho, Y/N, Sonya, Harriet and Aris had all been thrown into the same room. Which, if you asked any of them, was probably a bad idea on WICKED's behalf considering how they broke out of the last facility. But, Minho was just glad to be in the same place as Y/N. At least this way he could keep an eye on her.

The first thing he did was set the girl down on one of the bunks and race to the sink. He dampened a cloth and then sat at her side, lifting up her chin. Sheepishly, he smiled and began to wipe away at the dried blood on her face.

"Why do I feel like this has happened before?" Y/N laughed lightly. Her laughter came to quick halt when she winced and held her side. 

"Mmm, maybe because it has, shebean." Minho tapped the girls nose and walked off to go grab a couple of bandages. "You just keep coming back to the best medic there is."

"Without Thomas, I don't think we can get out of this place again." Aris mumbled as he ambled around the room, scouting for possible weak points.

"We shouldn't even try," Sonya warned. "They'll kill us."

"What's better: being killed trying to escape or letting them kill us for a 'cure'?" Harriet joined in. "We're dead either way."

Minho clenched his fists. "We're not dead," He snapped. "We've gotta wait. Sooner or later, Thomas and the others will come for us. I know it."

"You're putting a lot of faith in those guys," Harriet threw herself down onto the mattress and sighed. "You know they could just leave us? Vince is probably taking them to paradise right now."

"Thomas isn't like that." Minho fought back.

Sonya flickered her eyes around the room. "I agree with Minho. We just need to hold out until someone comes to get us."

When Minho made it back to the bed, Y/N had her head in her hands. So, he sat down on the bed and pulled the covers back. They were rough to the touch, but something was better than nothing. Y/N followed and climbed in beside him, eyes shut tight from the pain inside of her head. It was like a searing headache that never went away.

"What if they start doing it again and I hurt you?" Y/N whimpered. She now not only feared the fact that WICKED could control her, but feared who WICKED might use that power against. It wasn't something Minho didn't want to think about, so he wrapped a blanket around her tightly and then held her close to his chest.

"Then you'll have to break free from this trap." He laughed lightly, trying to bring a smile to the girls face as he hugged her body against his.

"Do you think Thomas is really going to come for us?" Y/N asked, looking up to try and catch Minho's gaze. He tried to avoid it and rest his chin on her head.

"I don't know," He mumbled. "But I think Thomas loves me too much not to come after us."

Y/N snickered and punched Minho in the chest. "You really think he likes a stinky guy like you that much?"

Minho gasped. "He practically trips over his own feet anytime I'm near, of course he does."

"Mmhhhm—" Y/N rolled her eyes and pulled the blanket up over her body more. She shivered ever so slightly, but Minho made sure to hold her tight and shield her from the cold draft in the room. Though she had already fallen asleep, Minho struggled. That was until he began to run his fingers through her hair, the feeling sending a warmth through his body which sent him off to sleep.

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