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The Gladers were the true definition of young and hopeless. Souls lost in a massive, overwhelming, torn apart world. Yet, somehow, they kept moving forward. Somehow, amidst all the heartbreak and horror, they found just enough will in one another to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

"We'll survive. You, I and the others. We're going to be alright here." Y/N said, trying to make sure Minho didn't find himself swallowed up in his thoughts once again. He'd been doing that a lot lately, almost a little too much.

The runner let out a deep, heartwrenching sigh. "Y'know, I really do miss the Glade."

Y/N felt her own chest tighten at the thought. "You're not the only one who does."

"I miss the mornings I'd wake up to you, still asleep in your hammock. On the few nights you didn't sleep beneath the maproom table, that is." He stifled a laugh. "And I miss coming back to you everyday. I miss the medjack hut. Frypans smelly food. The sunrises. The storms. I miss it all so much."

Y/N found herself slipping into her own thoughts. They weren't dejected or upsetting, but comforting. What they had in the Glade was special. Very, very special. It was, in some sort of screwed up way, their own little patch of paradise. Silence passed for a while before Minho spoke again. "And I was such an idiot for saying some of the things I did back then."

Y/N looked to him quizzically. "What do you mean?"

"I was never fine on my own, shebean. Never will be." He admitted. "You give your heart out to everyone else, every single day, just so they'll be happy. Even me. I can't believe I ever told you that you shouldn't be a runner, that you weren't strong enough. Because you're braver than the rest of us for waking up with something as simple as a smile."

"Minho," Y/N smiled sadly. "I know you didn't mean those things. I should be the one apologizing." She laughed, quickly ducking under a low hanging doorway into a concrete building.

"What could you have to say sorry for?" Minho scoffed.

Y/N stopped at the top of a rickety stairway, hand on her hip, eyebrows raised. "I said my fair share of rude remarks."

"Yeah, okay," Minho rolled his eyes, climbing the stairs after her. "But I deserved those things. I was being an idiot. Plus, you took a freaking lightning bolt for me."

"Yeah, you're welcome." Y/N laughed. "Now, c'mon. Let's search this place."

Minho figured that he and Y/N either had the worst luck in the world, or the best. This was the fourth building they had searched this morning, and sure enough, he was certain he'd just found what they were looking for. Regardless if it was for better or worse, a rickety, crackling breath was seeping out of a barren room to his right. Truthfully, Minho wanted to just keep moving. To not look in that room. But, deep down, he knew he had to.

Apparently, in his time spent thinking, Y/N had stormed into the room. Sure enough, her violent reaction told Minho it was Alby. Instinctively, he barged into the room to find Y/N knelt in front of her former leader. She looked up to Minho, wide eyed and frantic. A look he'd grown fairly used to being faced with.

Suddenly, Alby's breathing became more rapid. His eyes looked darker and foggier. He truly was fighting his own mind.

"Alby, just hold on? Alright?" Y/N pleaded desperately, refusing to let go of her former leader. She held his body upright, so afraid to let him fall incase it should end in his last breath. The Y/N Minho was seeing right now was far different from the one when they had first come across Alby. Then, she'd been too afraid to even get close to him. Now, she was doing everything in her power to keep him alive because she knew he stood a chance.

Minho was scrambling though his pack to find anything that could help them right now. Just as he was about to give up and try to carry Alby back to the rover himself, just as he did that one night in the maze, his fingers traced over an unfamiliar object.

When he pulled it out, his heart froze. A flare. He could use this to get Thomas' and Newt's attention. Only one shot, though. It had to be perfectly placed over the city.

"Help's on the way," Minho said breathlessly before darting for an open window. He located the opposite side of the city where Newt and Thomas should be, pointed the flare gun and took a shot without much thought. They were either going to see it, or they weren't. He was taking a chance. 

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