Partial Immunity

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 The pairs trek back to camp was completely silent. Y/N and Minho were both far too dumbfounded and heartbroken to even speak to one another. It felt like they'd hit rock bottom, dropped down even further than everything else they'd already suffered through.

What made it worse was that they were arriving back at camp empty handed. The supplies Vince had sent them to retrieve were nowhere to be found, and after finding Alby there was no way they were going back anytime soon. Minho felt completely useless, a feeling he hated. He was sent on a mission with very specific orders and he was coming back with nothing to show for it.

The rover rolled up to camp. Thomas, of course, was the first face they saw. He, in no way shape or form, seemed happy to see them. Something was bothering him, but neither Y/N or Minho could figure it out by just a glance.

"What's up with him?" Minho asked, looking to Y/N for any kind of answer. The girl scanned Thomas' approaching frame. In one way, he looked defeated, as if he'd been through hell itself in just the past few hours. Yet, at the same time, he looked like he had some kind of distant hopefulness inside of him.

"Only one way to find out," Y/N sighed. She threw the door to the rover open and jumped out, a plume of dust rising around her once she landed roughly in the dry earth. Thomas jogged over to her and immediately engulfed her in a hug, a rather odd and unpredicted action by Thomas. Turns out, he wasn't upset to see them.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Minho eyed Thomas suspiciously. It better have been something really amazing, because the news of Alby would probably ruin his day. That was if he and Y/N decided to tell.

Thomas shifted his weight, biting his lip gently. It was like he was afraid to speak. 

The brunette sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Look, you've just got to listen, alright? Questions later?"

"Whatever," Minho waved his hand in the air, urging Thomas to continue.

"The flare. We think some people may have a partial immunity to it." Thomas said.

Y/N was now very invested in the news Thomas had to share. "Ok, so what does that mean? Everyone here is either immune or doesn't have the flare."

"Actually...about that." Thomas muttered. "There is someone here now. He's resting. From what we can tell, he once was fully affected by the flare...but it's like he's coming back from it."

"Huh?" Minho blabbered. "You're telling me somebody, who went completely nutso, is coming back to their senses? As in they're starting to act and look like a normal person again?"

"Yeah," Thomas stifled a laugh.

"Well, do we know him?" Y/N asked. "Was it someone from the camp who got infected while we were away?"

"Oh, you know him." Thomas tried to hide a smile form rising on his face. "But he's not from this camp. Showed up a couple of evenings ago and we've been looking after him since."

Minho scoffed. "So, who is it? Can we see him?"

For a short second, Y/N panicked. Was it Alby? It couldn't be. They had seen him yesterday, so it wasn't possible. But...if this person who had arrived, and was recovering from the flare, was someone they knew, could that mean Alby was partially immune too? If so, they had to go back for him. It would make sense if he was, after all. He'd survived for so long, far longer than any average person with the flare. He'd retained enough sanity to write and deliver that note, following Vince's camp all the way to the edge of the ocean.

"Vince said no visitors until tomorrow, or until he knows it's safe." Thomas sighed.

"You can't even tell us who it is?" Minho muttered breathlessly in frustration.

"Nope," Thomas admitted. "Same thing, Vince doesn't want anyone getting ahead of themselves. But, don't worry. Tomorrow will come sooner than you think."

 Y/N and Minho watched as Thomas walked off towards the bonfire slowly, yet contently. "Depending on who or what we see tomorrow, we'll decide if and when we tell him." Minho said, throwing an arm around Y/N's shoulder.

The girl nodded in agreement. All she could do was hope for the best. Still, though, she couldn't figure out who it could be. Chuck? No, they lost him back at the maze. Winston? Probably not, they heard the gunshot. Teresa? No, she was immune and they saw her tumble down with the buildings. Any of the boys from the Glade? It was possible, but unlikely. There were still a few other options, but all still highly unfeasible. 



A/N: Sorry this has taken so long to update! I've just had a lot of other projects on the go and haven't had any good ideas to continue this story. But, I'll do my best to do a few more updates so it can have a proper ending! (:

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