Chapter 2

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I stood in that same meadow. I felt at home again, but I knew it wouldn't last for the screaming would start. The sounds of the water were a lot louder then usual. This distracted me from everything else. After a while of standing there the screams never came and I realized this dream is different somehow.

I walked towards the sounds of water. It was a full moon instead of crescent. Huh. Was this a different night? Why was my dream so different? I could see an opening to a small lake with a gentle waterfall. The moonlight making the water look like liquid silver. As I walked into the clearing there were clothes neatly placed on a branch. There was splashing noises from the lake. My eyes darted to see what was there.

A man stood up from beneath the water. His upper body exposed, the lake level where he was, came to his hips covering his lower half. His hair flowed down his back like a dark river, so long that its tips floated in the water like the tendrils of a jellyfish. His entire body glistened in the moonlight, his tanned skin beautiful in contrast to the cold tones of his surroundings. He turned to look at me, not in surprise but almost as if he was expecting me. The corners of his lips curled slightly to reveal a partial grin. His ears were pointed like an elf's but much longer. The tips easily poked through his hair and were a rosy color. His eyes glowed a vibrant green and they sparkled like that of a wizard's crystal ball.

"Who are you?" I managed to say.

He fully smiled now, it was unique in the sense that it was slightly box shaped and yet, it suited his facial structure perfectly.

"Wake up..." He softly spoke.


I woke up peacefully for once. But it felt like it was too early for me to be awake judging the darkness in my room. The sound of rain hitting my shutters was soothing. I loved the smell of the air when it rained. I went to open them.

There was still some smoke in the direction of the inn but overall the night was dark and beautiful. I closed my eyes and listened to the rain, some thunder in the far distance, but there was another sound that wasn't natural to this village.

The sound of steel hitting steel.

I stuck my head out of my window looking in the direction of the sounds. Far down the road I could see shadowed silhouettes fighting each other.

"Where are the guards?" I mumbled to myself knowing very well what they look like and none of the shadows were like them. As I squinted I realized there was ten fighting against one. I felt a sudden panic within myself to go and help this person. But I don't know how to fight. In that moment lightning illuminated my room and something caught my eye.

It was the great sword.

Instinct kicked in and without thinking I grabbed my sword and left the house. The rain poured down and I was drenched within a few seconds, my hair sticking to my face.

I caught up to the fight.

I kept my distance and hid behind a bush. One of the ten was beside me, dead.

An orc?! What the hell is something like that doing here? I took a closer look at the others, there were nine orcs left towering over the person they were fighting.

What am I doing here, I can't help? The person I couldn't see touched one of the creatures with their free hand and the orc disintegrated. I was in shock, I had never seen a magic user in action before.

Then, with a disgusting sound, one of the orcs stuck its blade through the persons' stomach. I still couldn't see their face. The person fell to the wet ground blood mixing into the puddles, splashing with every rain drop that contacted it.

I was instantly enraged. I didn't know this person, but my body and mind filled with adrenaline. Without hesitation I sprinted towards the eight orcs. Holding my great sword with both my hands. I swung as hard as I could at the first orc unsuspecting of me. I was moving too quickly and silently for it to notice my approach. I sliced through its arm like butter, it yelled and fell to the ground writhing in pain.

One down.

The two closest to the one I had just taken down tried to attack me. I ducked and then blocked the second attack. How was I doing this? As I had blocked I slid my weapon across its own, expertly decapitating the monster and with the same swing I killed the other.

Three down.

The last five came at me and I somehow blocked all their attacks taking them down one by one. When I was able to calm myself and catch my breath I looked at the person the orcs had taken down but there was no one there. Only a puddle of blood was left.

Did they run away while I was fighting?

Out of nowhere the orc with the missing arm hit my sword forcing me to drop it. He didn't bleed out and was clearly on pure adrenaline to kill me off. It had me cornered, my instincts no longer in action. I didn't know what to do.

I close my eyes waiting for its blade to strike me. The wet sound of bones breaking filled my ears.

I opened my eyes to see the orcs face twist in pain, black blood sprayed from its mouth. A sword had pierced it from behind. As it fell to the ground the person behind him was revealed to me. The person I tried to save. His green eyes stared back at me.

This is impossible.

I looked at his abdomen where his wound should have been. His black leather armor was cut but the flesh beneath it untouched.

I began to hyperventilate.

This must be a dream.

This can't be real.

My head was beginning to feel fuzzy.

The mans hand grabbed my arm.

"Yoongi, stay with me. Don't pass out" his voice was the same as in my dreams.

None of this should be possible.

And with one final breath darkness consumed my mind and I fell unconscious.

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