Chapter 14

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The elves had us surrounded and were leading us deeper into the woods.

Are they working for the woodland king? I thought to Taehyung.

Yes. They're being more cautious then usual...

The forest was dark as we were led through it. I was increasingly feeling stressed. All my interactions with kings as far as I know, have ended poorly.

 All my interactions with kings as far as I know, have ended poorly

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The forest was quite calm which felt unusual. The elves stopped in place. They all had leather armor decorated with leaf patterns and all had very earthy tone skin and hair.

One of the elves went up to a tree. She waved her hand over the bark. Then with a dark green glow an elvish symbol revealed itself.

And like curtains invisible to the eye it seemed like the image ahead of us opened to reveal a city, larger than the City of Derlanty.

My mouth was wide open as I took in this fantastic view.

There were warm colored orbs floating like lanterns. Illuminating the largest trees I have ever seen. Bridges connecting everything above. Houses and shops naturally built into the trees. It looked as though nature had shaped itself for these creatures to live.

Instead of there just being elves there were all types of woodland creatures

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Instead of there just being elves there were all types of woodland creatures.

Gnomes, fawns, fairies, elves of different kinds, centaurs, and countless others. Different shops were open even at night. Some shops selling trinkets, armour, weapons, art, and so much more. It was impossible to see everything at once. The elf guards led us to the center of this enormous place. There, was the largest tree of them all. Warm light shining from within it, giving it a magical glow. As we walked inside the tree, I was in awe at the beauty that was inside. Intricate details and gems embedded in the walls and a small river flowing through the floor.

 Intricate details and gems embedded in the walls and a small river flowing through the floor

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