Chapter 13

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We hurriedly payed and left the village. I wasn't sure of what the threat was, but I knew it wasn't good. We ran for about an hour and finally stopped to take a breather.

"How could he know where we were?!" Jungkook gasped.

"Derlanty must have told him we were there, and he searched for us." Hoseok looked at me then with curiosity.

"You saw him?"

"Well the man was staring at me and then he wasn't there like he had disappeared."

"A mental attack. He wanted Yoongi to know he was watching..." Taehyung said to the wizard.

"Who?!" I snapped.

Hoseok looked at me again. "Maldril"

I felt those shivers again. I didn't like the idea that he was able to get into my head that easily.

"Let's find a place to rest. Off the main road." Taehyung said with a protective tone.

After another hour we found a place in a nearby forest.

"This should do" Jungkook said and changed into a wolf curling up to sleep. The rest of us unrolled our sleeping bags and ate some of our rations.

"I'll take first watch" Taehyung said.

I lay down. It took me some time as I was stressed but fatigue took over and I finally fell asleep.


I was sitting at the edge of a cliff.

My body was small. I must be a child. Is this another memory?

I could see the mountain tops as I was up very high. The forest below so dense it looked like grass.

"We can't go back." a familiar voice sounded from behind me.

I turned and saw a tall woman. Her black hair pulled back high and flowed in the breeze to her knees. Her eyes were bright blue like mine. Beside her was a man, his eyes glowed red but he didn't look mean. His hair was in a bun and a dark brown. They both wore scale armor with intricate cloth in different places. Both had blue cloaks, just like mine.

"They won't let us stay mommy?" I spoke.

"It's alright son. We'll find a place to stay" the man patted me on the head to reassure me. I felt warm with their presence. I felt safe.

I blinked and found myself somewhere else. Maybe in a different time.

"Yoongi!" it was my mother. She held my face in her hands. This indicated that I was no longer a child since she had to reach up to touch my face.

She was covered in blood and from what I could tell it wasn't her own.

"Go to the moon elves. They are the only ones who will take you now. Stay with them. Survive." She tried not to shed her tears.

I felt sick to my stomach, a feeling of wanting to stay and fight, a feeling of fear.

"Where's dad? What do you mean leave?!" I was frantic.

"Your father... He ..... Please Yoongi. Run. Save yourself." She continued. I wanted to cry knowing what had happened to my father.

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