Chapter 6

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I tore my cloak and began to bandage his chest as tightly as I could.

"Why aren't you healing?" I stressed. "Use my aura!"

"I won't take from you." he was very weak and barely audible.

"Why not?!"

He looked like he was going to pass out.

"A promise..."

I felt like he was beginning to not make sense.

He took out a flask from his bag and smashed it on the ground. A small white orb came from it.

"Tell it who you need to see. It will show you the way..."

"I'm not leaving you here."

"Get to the wizard." he said at the ball of light. It began to float away from us.

I wasn't going to leave him on the road. Not when it was my fault that he was wounded.

I positioned him on my back so that I could carry him better that way. Holding his thighs, I struggled to stand up but fear that he would die if I didn't make it to someone, he could heal from forced me to push harder.

I jogged with him as the orb moved hastily and I didn't want to lose sight of it.

My legs burned from carrying him but feeling the warmth of his blood soaking my back made me try harder.

Why was he being stubborn? Why didn't he just feed off my essence and heal?

Was the wound too much that it could kill me? I'm not sure how all this works.

I wish I did.


The sun had set long ago but I kept running. My throat dry from catching my breath.

He was still breathing and responded to me quietly every time i spoke to him to make sure he was still with me.

Then I could see it.

A large city walled off with a stone structure.

A large city walled off with a stone structure

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This must be the City of Derlanty.

"We're almost there... Stay with me..." I said through breaths.

He didn't respond.

I ran faster, wanting to collapse but fear he might already be gone won over my exhaustion.

I was at the front gate finally.

"Who goes there?!" a voice sounded above the gate.

"I have a meeting with a wizard in this city! My friend is dying he needs aid!" I yelled through my desperate breaths.

"What is your name?!" the guard yelled back.

"You do not know me but Galadar knows Kim Taehyung!"

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