Chapter 4

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We ran into the nearby forest. I have never left the village, so everything was overwhelmingly foreign to me.

He was still holding my hand and once we slowed down I removed my hand from his.

"Can you please tell me what's happening?! The whole story! I-" he covered my mouth clearly telling me I needed to be quiet.

"There are monsters everywhere these days. We need to stay quiet." He said with an extremely soft voice which I didn't think was possible with how deep it was naturally.

He looked at me his brows shot up as though waiting for an obvious reply. I nodded my head in agreement.

"There's a small lake not too far from here. I was there the other day and it was safe for the most part."

"Why do we need to go there?"

"We'll need a place to rest for the night and once we make it there it'll be nightfall."

He took my great sword out of his bag of holding and gave it to me. "In case you need to protect yourself."

"What about my armor?"

"No time to change now." He was right, the distant screams from the village had stopped. Probably meaning the orcs had taken over. And if they really were looking for me they'd be on their way.

I followed Taehyung in silence. Frightened of every sound in the forest. The underbrush was dense, and the trees kept the light from shining through making everything seem dark and menacing.

As we walked I realized how much noise I made with each step. In comparison to the elf. He made no sound as he moved, like a ghost.

We walked for hours like this, I was beginning to get quite hungry. I wondered if Auden and Farah got out of the village alive. I guess I had to trust the strangers word, but that made me feel uneasy.

Not paying attention I almost bumped into Taehyung. His longbow and arrow aiming at something I couldn't see.

When he released his arrow, it took a few seconds before I heard it hit something in the distance.

"What was it?" I asked quietly. Expecting it to have been a creature of sorts.

"Your dinner" he continued to walk and stopped in front of a tree. I looked to the ground and saw the animal he had killed was a rabbit.

It was a perfect hit. How could he have seen it from that far away. He took it and continued to walk. I just followed completely amazed by his marksmanship. I tried to catch up with his long legs and for a split moment I saw a smile on his face. At least I think I did.

A few minutes later we walked into a clearing. I could finally see the sky.

Already nightfall.

He scanned the scenery looking at the entire clearing. This must be the small lake he spoke about.

"It's clear." he said his voice less cautious. I felt my body relax for the first time today. Looking at the lake water it seemed so perfect to swim in, but I wasn't sure if that would be a good or safe idea.

Taehyung smiled smugly.

He started to unbuckle his armor.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to go for a little swim, wash off a little, the water seems perfect doesn't it?" How could he be saying the same thing I had just thought to myself. Did we really think so similarly?

"It doesn't seem to be the place or time for this and besides you said you were going to tell me-"

He began to take his leather pants off and I turned away, shocked a stranger would be so carefree.

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