Chapter 3

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I woke up frantically half expecting to be on the road but in my confusion, I found that I was in my own bed. I sigh in relief. So, it was just a dream. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and yawned, my body feeling a bit sore from my restless night. I started my morning routine and as I was about to leave my room I looked back at the armor in the corner.

That's not where the sword usually is? Is it?

Laughter could be heard down the hall. I quickly and stealthily went down into the kitchen. Auden and Farah were sitting at the table. Where were her burns? I walked further into the kitchen only to reveal one more person standing near her.

His green eyes sparkled in my direction.

Farah and her older brother noticed me then. "Oh Yoongi! I'm glad you're awake!" Farah smiled warmly at me. Were they seeing this man? Or was it just me?

"This is the man who was looking for you last night." Farah added almost like she was answering my question.

"Why is he here?" I said sharply and untrustingly

"He brought you in this morning and healed my burns." She said, dreamily looking at the elf.

This annoyed me.

"I'm Kim Taehyung" His deep voice had a hint of annoyance as well. He stuck his hand out to me.

Trying to ignore the awkward tension I shook his hand. "Yoongi... But you already know that."

He smiled slightly.

"We're gonna leave you two to it" Auden awkwardly said while forcing his sister to leave the house. It was just me and the stranger. How could I be seeing him now when he only existed in my dreams?

"How do you know me?" I wanted to get straight to the point.

"Someone told me to find you" he said. For some reason I didn't fully believe him.

"Who did?"

"A Wizard" Why was he not giving me more information. It's like he's trying to avoid something.

"Well I'm sorry but you're looking for the wrong person. I would have no use to anyone, let alone a wizard." I wanted him to leave. I wanted things to be normal again.

"Do you think I don't know that you dream of me?"

Shock washed over me. I stared at him wide eyed not expecting him to change the subject so quickly, and then talk about my dreams.

"I know you have so many questions you want to ask me. Like how I survived that wound I received this morning. Why I told you to leave the inn in my letter. Why I've been in your dreams." He listed every question I had in my mind but then he added one more. "Who you are..."

"You know me?! From before?"

He was no longer smiling. "Not necessarily." He moved his hair on one side tucking it behind one ear. His long and delicate fingers perfectly smooth, you'd think he hadn't worked a day in his life. "I'll start with the wound" he half sighed. "As it is clearly obvious I'm not human."

"You're an elf, right?" I pressed.

"A sylvan elf" he corrected.

Impossible. I heard that sylvan elves, also known as moon elves were extinct years ago.

"I know you don't believe me now, but do you know what it is that makes sylvan elves different from the others?"

"They were feared by many because of..." I couldn't remember the tale.

"Our healing powers." he finished.

I was then nervous as I remembered the story. These elves were almost vampiric in the sense that they fed on the essence of anything living. They had lived alone in the wilderness, away from civilizations for they didn't want to be accused of any human deaths. But of course, humans were always afraid and hunted these elves down in hopes to get rid of them forever. I felt bad for the elves when I was told the story. They might not have been as evil as people made them out to be, just because they have that ability.

"How? I managed to say.

"I'm the last of my kind" he said knowing that's what I wanted to know. His body was so perfect. He was lean and yet I could tell he was more muscular then what was being covered up by his leather armor. He fights and travels often to be in this kind of shape.

"Those orcs last night... They were looking for you." He changed the topic seeming to be slightly flushed in his cheeks.

"What? Why?"

"There's a darkness growing in these lands and you have something they need. I don't know what but if I take you to the Wizard he could tell you more"

All this information was a lot for me to process. Why me?

"Does this... Wizard know who I used to be?" I asked.

"Yes." He said seriously.

I was about to ask another question when his face suddenly became expressionless. His green eyes glowed intensely, and his pupils became thin slivers like a cat's eye. He was completely still.

I waved my hand in front of his face "Hello?" And with a gasp he was back to normal.

"We need to leave." he ran to my room and took his medium sized bag out and started packing my armor and sword. It was magically all fitting into his bag that was clearly too small for the items.

"Where? What's happening?"

"They weren't supposed to be here today... Something changed. They'll be here any second."

It was hard for me to understand what he was talking about and before I could question him further the front door was kicked down followed by the sound of many heavy footsteps flooding into the kitchen.

Taehyung grabbed my collar and practically threw me out of my room window. I landed on all fours happy I didn't break anything. He jumped as well and landed expertly on the ground barely making a sound.

"Go!" He pushed me to run.

The village was under attack by many orcs. Villagers being slaughtered around me. Guards trying their best to fight back. Taehyung swiftly took out his longbow and arrow shooting down an orc that was in our path. As we got closer to the wall I stopped in my tracks.

"What about Farah and Auden?"

The elf looked at me.

"They'll make it out alive!" Even though I didn't know him I felt like I could trust him. At least for this.

He reached his hand out for me to hold it and follow him. "You'll need to hold my hand for this"

Without hesitation I grabbed it and we ran to the wall. He was running straight towards it. Did he think we were going to go through the solid wall? There's no doors here.

With the wave of his other hand holding his bow a portal appeared. Through it I could see outside of the village.

We ran through, and kept running. The sounds of screams and bloodshed fading behind us...

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