Chapter 9

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I didn't realize I had fallen back to sleep. Luckily there was no dreaming or memories since last night was way too painful.

I opened my eyes to see the back of the elf's head. We had fallen asleep together as the pain I was experiencing didn't leave and he stayed to comfort me.

I slowly tried to remove my arm I had over him.

The fact I had no memories again and slept might have been his doing. Some sort of spell maybe.

Ever since we had left the village, I never actually had the opportunity to see him sleep.

He looked so peaceful as the sun from outside trickled through the thin curtains. His hair had come out of its bun, silky and shining a golden color. His bronze skin glowing in it making him look so ethereal.

I might not remember everything yet, but I remembered how I had felt about him. Even now, I felt the same even though he still felt like a stranger, but that can change.

Clearly, we had history.

His shoulder was exposed as his robe had become slightly loose.

I covered it up almost as if it were a habit of mine... strange...

My throat felt so dry I urgently needed water.

I got up and grabbed a robe for myself to cover my sleeping garments.

Carefully closing the door, I was ready to head to the kitchen, but someone surprised me.

I was face to face with the wizard.

"Two memories in a row eh? Come! Tell me about them!" he hurriedly went down the stairs speaking in different tongues.

When I made it to the kitchen, he was sitting there with a mug of water waiting for me. He looked almost child-like in an innocent way. But his dark circles seemed to be worse. Did he not sleep at all?

I sat down and drank the water. It felt amazing as it went down my throat.

"So?" he asked playfully.

I told him both memories and after I had mentioned the last part of the second, he became serious.

His book and quill came flying into the room and he wrote in it mumbling and walking out of the kitchen.

Taehyung was at the entrance letting the wizard go by. The elf left his hair down but was still in his robe. It seemed like he didn't have anything underneath it now that I really looked at him. He definitely has a carefree aura about him.

He sat beside me.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be honest with you..."

"Don't be. I know you tried to be without risking my life." he had a somber expression. "I should be sorry for getting mad at you..."

"I understand. It's alright"

He tapped the table with his finger. "So... I know which memories you had..."

"I figured." a glimmer of hope shined in his eyes.

"You said you can't tell me anything about my past but if I have questions about the memories I do gain... Would it be possible for you to answer them?"

"I guess I don't see any harm in it as long as I don't reveal anything you haven't remembered on your own..."

"Then answer what you can." I smiled a little, knowing this made him feel a bit better about having to lie.

He smiled "ok".

"What happened to Hoseok? In my memory he seemed..."

"Less crazy?"


"Well... Since it happened after you left, I think there can't be harm in telling you..." he looked at me. "After he casted that spell to send you into the future and erase your memories the ritual backfired. He wasn't responsive. I couldn't get him to move and I could hear enemies approaching our location. So, I went to fight to protect him and that's when they caught me. The rest I already told you about." he touched his shoulder as though remembering the pain of being tortured.

"But he came back to save me when I was left for dead. He has moments of clarity but he's often in his own head. Other times he is a bit childish. Almost as though his mind and memories are all over the place."

"Has he not found a cure?"

"He and I have been trying to, but nothing has fully worked. But he seems to get better with every try."

"So, he lost his mind because of me... I've brought so much harm to people..."

He squeezed the back of my neck relieving some of the tension I was carrying.

"It would have been worse if Maldril had his hands on you. Don't think it's all your fault. We knew the risks."

"Your parents... Your people... All gone because of me."

"That was my parents choice."

I looked at him for more information, but he shook his head no.

"I can't tell you more about them."

"What about Jungkook?"

"What about me?" the shifter entered the kitchen completely topless. He was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, his hair messy still somehow in a braid.

"I wanted to know if we knew each other before."

He laughed. "Not everyone can live forever"

The elf kicked his shin and as Jungkook winced he spoke loudly "What!?"

"If you tell him things so carelessly you know what could happen!"

"Right" he said laughing his pain away.

"Its alright I had a feeling I was old after the second memory" I mentioned.

"Haha! No need to kick me then!" Jungkook teased and Taehyung snickered.

"We've only met a few years ago." Taehyung said sourly.

"My family has been at the wizards service for generations."


"Well in return for his potions and other magics we help him with any tasks he sees our use for. But recently I've just been helping out because of what's to come."

"Oh..." I then realized "wait how far in the future was I sent?" I looked at Taehyung.

"We didn't know when or where you would be... So that both Hoseok and I couldn't ever say where you were to the enemy because we didn't know..." he paused trying to think, probably deciding if it was ok to tell me more. "It's been a little over a century"

He was looking for me for that long?!

"When you appeared in the village with out your memory. I could sense you were on this earth again. It was the happiest mo-" he stopped himself. "Anyways, I was really far away from the village. It took me some time to locate you exactly."

The wizard ran into the already cramped kitchen.

"Are we all ready?!"

"For what?" I asked

"To convince a king of course!"

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