Chapter 7

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He gave me some tea as I sat in his cramped kitchen. I was hesitant to drink it but was too hungry and thirsty to resist.

It was very herbal tasting but not unpleasant. After taking one sip my body didn't feel so sore from running. I also didn't feel tired at all.

"He'll wake up in no time you needn't worry" Hoseok said as he sat and drank.

I was glad that Taehyung was ok, but I was still stressed being here in this strange Wizards home.

"I assume you have many questions for me."

He took another sip seeming to be more present. Sometimes it felt like he was too into his own head and not noticing what was going on around him. He had such a strange aura.

"Why did you send Taehyung to find me?"

"Is that what he told you?" he smiled, eyes shimmering different colors for a moment.

"He said you needed me because Maldril shouldn't get his hands on me."

"He's good at telling half truths, isn't he?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know..." with those words I realized that he was right. I had already suspected that the elf was keeping some things from me.

"To answer your question. We all need you. In the battle that's to come."

"Battle? How could I help I don't even really know how to fight-"

"But you do know... You just need to remember."

"Remember what?"

"Your past. Your history."

"Its been a year and I haven't remembered anything. Maybe if someone told me I would..."

"YOU need to remember." he said sharply "no one can tell you who you are or who you were. That's only for you to know."

This statement only made me more confused.

"But if someone knows me from before shouldn't they tell me?"

"There's always a reason for things to be said or not to be."

I feel like coming here was a mistake. I'm just getting more confused then I'm getting any answers.

"I came here to know who I really am. I came here because an arch mage is looking for me.... And yet I'm not getting any answers, nor do I feel safe!" I was getting increasingly agitated.

Hoseok stood up. "Follow me".

We walked to a window at the front of the house and instead of seeing the empty streets of Derlanty I was seeing a completely different scene.

The streets were full of different races. Elves, humans, dwarves, fairies, gnomes, halflings, even some creatures I couldn't recognize. The street was like a market place built into the houses that each were unique in style and structure. There were different colored lights everywhere as well.

"How is this possible?"

The wizard smiled at me.

"My door is a portal to get to this place. In fact, you can only get here by that method, if you know which doors to go through... Welcome to the floating city!"

 Welcome to the floating city!"

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