Chapter 5

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We were running as I instinctively attached my great sword onto my back.

The ground trembling so much it was almost hard to stay standing. Even though I knew Taehyung could run faster then me he stayed my by side.

The troll hadn't caught up to us yet, but it was too close for comfort.

The elf swiftly shot at its legs hoping to slow it down. It didn't work since its hide was too thick.

I tried to only focus on not tripping on the branches and roots in the brush as we ran.

"We're not fast enough!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"I'm going as fast as I can!" I was already surprised I was going at this speed in the first place.

He put his thumb and ring finger in his mouth as if he was going to whistle. And that's exactly what he did except the sound was inhumanly loud.

Was this magic?

The troll yelled in reaction to the high-pitched sound but it didn't slow it.

"Keep going!" Taehyung said.

I wasn't going to argue with that.

As the troll gained distance a large figure emerged from our side.

A huge wolf came in our direction. I expected it to attack but it just ran beside us.

"Get on!" Taehyung yelled.

It was difficult to hold onto its fur, but I was able to get on without help. Fear might have been the cause of my swift movements. I just didn't want to get killed.

The elf climbed on behind me effortlessly.

I guess he had called for this wolf to come to our aid.

The wolf ran faster then we did and was able to get some distance away from the troll.

The elf continued to shoot at the creature.

The troll yelled in frustration.

I looked ahead hoping we'd reach the end of this forsaken forest but instead saw a new danger.

A wall of thorned vines.

The wolf was going full speed towards it.

"Um Taehyung! There's a problem!" I screamed.

I felt him turn to face the wall of thorns. He held onto me and lifted his right hand up.

He whispered under his breath which was too difficult for me to hear even though he was so close.

I closed my eyes as we were about to crash into the wall. When pain didn't follow, I looked.

The vines moved around us and closed behind. The elf concentrated until we were out of the forest.

The troll's screams meant it fell into the vines.

What kind of power does this elf have? That was amazing.

The wolf continued for a while. The forest no longer in view and the open grass lands were warm and inviting with the sun in the sky.

The wolf stopped and I got off. A bit worried it would attack me.

The animal could probably swallow me whole if it wanted.

Taehyung got off it too. He didn't look as in shape as he did before.

Maybe that spell took its toll on him.

He went to face the wolf.

"Thank you for coming to our aid" he said.

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