Chapter 5 - Silver Lust

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This chapter is a well over due dedication to one of my favorite authors, Mokita. If it wasn't for her promoting my book, I'd probably only have two views, but instead i have 260! Thank you girly and a special thanks to all my readers. :)

And for those of you that she hasn't sent over here, go over there and check her out! Supernatural Boarding school! It's a romantic, jaw dropping experience. Not to mention, creatively beautiful writing. ;)

- Julie

Now on to chapter 5! Oh and WARNING: Contains sexual content.


When Natalie awoke, the only light that lingered in her room was the full moon peering in from her lonesome window that was slightly ajar. The song of a whippoorwill sounded in the distance, flooding in from the forest backyard, an owl screeched.

Natalie slowly opened her eyes, her head pounding and her lungs and chest on fire. "Ohhhhh," Natalie cried, gripping her head and sat up, tangled in her sheets. Her hair matted her drenched face and back, her clothes clung to her sweaty body. Her stomach sloshed and boiled, and bile rose to her burning sore throat. 'What's wrong with me?'

Despite her migraine, Natalie took off running to the bathroom. She fell into a heap in front of the toilet and slammed the seat up with a bang, emptying the very little contents of her stomach, which happened to be a silver mirrored substance.

Feeling like death, Natalie stumbled over to the wall and switched the bathroom light switch on. Her eyes squinted from the brightness and her lips formed a frown on her swollen red face.

Natalie couldn't believe her eyes and quickly stumbled towards her night stand to grab her phone. She had to use the edge of her bed for balance to keep herself upright and looked on the screen. It was 10:27 P.M. Natalie had missed work.

Using the bed to brace herself she stumbled back towards the bathroom and fell into the door frame, using the wall for support.

'Silver puke?' Natalie's forehead crinkled in confusion. She had never seen bile that color before. She looked closer, snapping a picture of it with her cell. The vomit was a thick silver mirror in her toilet.

Her head began to spin and she became very dizzy. Her vision blurred in and out then dots filled her vision and she fell hard to the floor in front of her toilet. The world spun faster and faster until she passed out.


"Natalie!" A voice cried from very far away. Natalie could hear the voice, but couldn't understand what they were saying. "Natalie!" The voice yelled closer this time.

"NATALIE!" Natalie jumped forward out of her sleep, her eyes wide and head still pounding. Janice had been shaking her, her face looked of sheer horror. "Oh my God, Natalie! I've been screaming your name and shaking you for nearly five minutes now! I thought you were dead!"

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