Chapter 6 - Truth

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A special thanks to my editor, KiaraReaper! :)


"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius

Natalie's eyes sprung open, burning and crusted over. Her alarm hadn't gone off and she knew she was late for work. She had had the weirdest dream about Al. A rather hot one for that matter. Her face boiled red when she noticed a sleeping body beside her and that she was topless. She quickly wrapped the sheets tightly around her exposed chest, ashamed of herself and snatched her phone off her nightstand.

"Good morning." Al said, his eyes still closed and his voice deeper and raspy from sleep. Natalie's eyes were wide as she dragged the sheet off the bed and ran to her dresser for a shirt. "Nothing to be ashamed of, you're beautiful." Al said, now sitting up in the bed. He was just in his shorts and Natalie blushed an even deeper shade of red if possible at the butterflies that fluttered in her abdomen at merely the sight of his bare chest.

Natalie couldn't muster up a single sentence if her life depended on it and scurried to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. She dropped the sheet and pulled a blue random T-shirt over her head and braced herself on the sink. Recalling the night before, she shook her head at how needy and slutty she had been. But she couldn't have helped herself if she had the chance to do it all over again. She had never felt that way before. Ever.

Splashing water on her face, Natalie combed her unruly locks out and brushed her teeth. She was trying to buy herself some time before facing the inevitable, which lied outside the bathroom door. She picked her cell up and dialed into work. Luckily they let her take another day off, but her boss wasn't happy. She really did have the best boss. She was one lucky duck.

Natalie was probably in her bathroom for twenty minutes and she slowly turned the door knob, sneaking out of her bathroom. Al was no longer in her bed. Natalie wrinkled her brow and headed towards the living room. To her surprise, Janice was awake and giggling uncontrollably at something Al had said.

Natalie ran a hand over her face at the sight she had seen. Oh sweet Jesus. Janice was dancing around the kitchen cooking breakfast and Al was sitting at the bar, eating an apple and laughing as well. Natalie looked over to her right and saw her bra and favorite torn white blouse in the floor. Without thinking, Natalie ran over to it on her tip toes, scooped it up and threw it through her doorframe. It landed in a messy pile in her bedroom floor.

Janice looked over at her knowingly. Of course she had already spied that out. "Sleep good?" Janice called in a cheerful voice over the popping sound of bacon frying.

Natalie exhaled and walked over to the bar and sat down on the stool. "Or well..." Janice smiled, motioning to Al with her eyes rolling over his body. "We didn't do anything!" Natalie squeaked, her face flustering once again from her outburst. Get a grip, she told herself. "Mhmm... right." Janice replied sarcastically. "Al was just telling me a little while ago about how he was the one to save your life at the lake. Thank god for Al!" Janice smiled happily. Natalie nodded, feeling very awkward but trying to brush it off.

"So, are y'all like a couple now? Or just having fun? It's about time you loosened up some Nat! I'm proud of you. You were wound so tight I thought you were about to pop." Janice beamed. Natalie shook her head, but Al replied for her with a laugh. "Nothing happened last night." He reassured her, turning his head and locking eyes with Natalie, "Unfortunately..."

Natalie cleared her throat, about to voice her bit until she heard Janice's voice. 'God, Natalie you really need to get some dick. Clean those cobwebs out and get over this bitchy stage. You're such a prude!' Natalie's mouth hung open as she watched the back of Janice's head while she cooked. 'Really! Have you seen the man in front of you? Sex Goddd!!!' Her voice sang out into the kitchen. Natalie was shocked, appalled, and embarrassed at her friend's out burst. Janice's voice rang out again, but Natalie put a halt to it. "Just shut up! Just because I don't fuck random men like you do, you have no right to judge me!"

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