Chapter 17 - Feels like Heaven

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Loooong chapter that everyone has been waiting for, or maybe just me because I'm a pervert. lol... ;) I think I posted a music video for the scene later in the chapter. A little bit of 'Bryan Adams - heaven' to set the mood.

Warning: Sexual content

Natalie awoke in the same field of daisies she had visited Truth in not too long ago. The sun warming her soul as the white dress she had worn last time fluttered around her from a low warm breeze.

She was in no pain when she planted her hand in the rich dark soil, slowly lifting herself to her feet. It was as if Mara had never caught her entire head on fire and her lungs had not collapsed. She felt airy, a warm contentedness she had only ever experienced while she was with Truth.

Everything was extremely bright and she had to block the sun out with her hand, her vision disrupted by the sun's harsh light.

"Kitten?" Truth breathed as he appeared a few yards in front of her. "What happened?" He seemed panicked, his eyes wide in fright.

His four o'clock shadow had grown in more since the last time she had seen him, giving him a short beard. He looked a bit paler, possibly sick as he stood before her in his true form, his mirrored body reflecting Natalie's squinting face. No matter how rugged and worn he looked, he was still just as much impossibly attractive as ever.

How could he have possibly of known something had happened? Maybe this was Heaven, there couldn't have been a way she could have lived through all of that. No one lives through inhaling in fire, right?

Natalie slowly lifted a trembling hand to her face, her eyes wide with worry when she placed her finger tips on her cheek. Her eyebrows knitted together when she didn't flinch from pain or feel grotesquely disfigured skin. Natalie's eyes went wide and rubbed both of her hands over her face, feeling for any imperfections but finding none. Her hands gripped at her hair next, pulling it over her shoulder and studying the long locks of raven hair with wide eyes. They weren't gone-not even singed!

Truth darted the short distance towards Natalie, wrapping his warm thick arms around her. He pressed her tightly against his chest and breathed her in, relieved to finally be with her once again.

Natalie could feel the electric current flowing through them as they embraced. The tingles surging at it's peak in unison to their pulsating eyes.

"Is this heaven?" Natalie croaked, tilting her head up to look at Truth. "I-I'm dead, ain't I?" she whispered, her words catching in her throat.

Truth's eyebrows furrowed as a frown appeared on his rugged face. He shook his head, smoothing her hair back as his other hand caressed the center of her back. "No, kitten, you're OK." he reassured her.

Natalie closed her eyes, taking in his intoxicating scent and sliding her hands up his broad chest and wrapping them around the back of his neck. She basked in the warm tingling sensation his body pressed against hers offered.

Truth looked down at her, worried about the intense pain he had felt a few days ago. He had been waiting for her to naturally come to him in this realm, once her soul beckoned for him again.

"Natalie." He spoke seriously, lifting her chin gently up with two fingers to make her look up at him.

Natalie slowly opened her eyes, "Hmm?" She whispered, snuggling into his broad chest.

"What happened to you? What's going on?" He spoke slowly, but his voice held a frantic edge to it. Natalie swallowed, recalling all the blood and pain. "I bit Sol-and then Mara-I..." Natalie took a deep breath, calming herself down. "I can show you better than explaining it." She told him quietly.

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