Chapter 25 - Time With You

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A/N: If you didn't read the last chapter than you should know she fell asleep on his chest after he 'claimed' her. So don't go getting too confused. ;) You're no more confused than the rest of us. xp

BTW, I'm just gonna stop putting up sexual content warnings. Y'all know what's up.


The world around her was foggy, so dense in silver she could barely make out heads from tails what was in front of her.

Natalie slowly crept forward despite barely being able to see. The stench of iron and freshly spilt blood filled the air, making her stifle back a gag as she held her hand over her mouth and nose.

Her foot landed on something warm and sticky, making her look down. She realized she was back in the forest and her heart raced in dread and fear. Why was she back?! Had the entire episode she had with Truth just been a dream? It couldn't have been!

Shaking her head, Natalie eased forward just enough that the fog slowly cleared, making her gasp and fall backwards in the sticky maroon substance she soon realized was blood.

Squinting, she could barely make out Deceit's remains, his guts and chunks of meat were scattered messily around him, making her eyes snap wide and tears to swell.

She scrambled on her hands and knees towards him, sliding in all the blood. There was just so much!

"Deceit?" She whispered out in more of a squeak, raising her blood soaked hand to his still warm cheek.

Despite being ripped to pieces, his face looked so calm and peaceful, his eyes closed as he rested for eternity.

Her hand smeared more blood over his face as she tenderly stroked his cheek, the tears now slowly flowing from her burning eyes.

This couldn't be real. Natalie couldn't help but choke back a sob, clearing her throat as she leaned in closer to him. She could still smell the cologne he wore past all the blood and gore that filled her sinuses.

Her face was just inches from his as she leaned over him, taking in every little perfect feature of his. This would surely be the last time she ever seen him, and she wanted to remember him.

It was a strange sight to see, someone she had loathed, lusted, and possibly loved all at once dead in front of her. It was too unbelievable. He couldn't really be dead, could he?

Perhaps she was a big softie, or perhaps it wasn't just the pull that she had always felt towards him, but whatever it was, she did care for him.

"I'm so sorry." Her whisper was barely audible as a hot tear slid off of her cheek and landed on his. She inched her mouth closer to his, readying to press her lips against his for a final goodbye.

A hand suddenly snatched her wrist that stroked his face, making her gasp and snatch her body back, but the grip was too strong to completely pull away from. When she looked down, she realized it was his hand that held her in place.

Disbelieving, her eyes snapped back up to his, just to witness his piercing gold eyes staring menacingly back at hers. It couldn't be! He was dead!

Her mouth fell open as she gasped like a fish trying to breathe, unable to utter a sound or rational thought. His fierce eyes continued to pierce through her, touching the very depths of her soul and calculating her every thought and emotion.

Just as quick as she had appeared in the forest, the scene changed in front of her, bending and breaking while the world tilted. She was thrown to a place she had never been.

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