Chapter 12 - Captured

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WARNING: More sexual content. ;)

The SUV was quiet other than the sound of tires on the pavement and the light rain drops that began to beat down on the roof. Natalie sat uncomfortable on the bench chair, watching her bare feet while her mind stayed on Truth. She wondered if he knew she was gone, and if he did, how long would it be until he found her? It was the same for Deceit... She just hoped Truth found her first.

Natalie bent forward and looked out the windshield, what she could make out of it anyways. The headlights were the only light around as they pulled up the on ramp and headed towards the interstate.

"That last house was a doozy, eh?" The officer in the passenger seat commented. He had a Canadian accent. Natalie listened as the driver scoffed, keeping his voice low. "I'd like to do things to that slut back there." He snickered. Natalie could see his smirk as he glanced up in his rearview mirror and locked eyes with her. Natalie adverted her eyes back down to her feet and leaned back.

"She was a looker alright. Did you try to get her off the hook, Vick? If you didn't I'm going to give it a try." The passenger chuckled. Vick snorted at his partner. "You didn't see what she did? Of course I offered her."

His partner snickered, "So that's why she spat at you. I love me eh feisty woman."

Natalie felt like vomiting listening to their hushed conversation. Her insides sloshed and heat filled her cheeks. Wasn't the glass supposed to be sound proof as well? She wondered. It was, that's why no one else was hearing them. They weren't whispering, Natalie could just barely make out their words because of the glass.

Natalie was leaning forward again, watching as they passed other cars along the interstate. They were hauling ass. The passenger turned around and seen Natalie, a smile crossing his boyish features. He slid open a tiny window and winked at her. "Will you sit back, eh?" Natalie didn't respond and sat back quickly, wiggling around in her seat. Her hands were completely numb other than the sharp metal of the hand cuffs cutting into her. She tried not to move it too much, it wouldn't be long until she was bleeding, it was already raw.

Natalie heard the small glass window slide and latch shut as the men continued their conversation about another woman they had arrested earlier in the day that took up their offer. They truly sickened her. She had no idea that there were such corrupt cops in her neighborhood. Her stomach flipped a few more times as she closed her eyes, her body slowly rocking from time to time from the SUV's movement.

They had been traveling along the wet highway on the interstate for quite some time. All the passengers in the back remained quiet as the officers up front chatted away.

"What's that in the road?" The passenger suddenly asked his partner. "I'm not sure." He responded, changing over to the slow lane. They were the only vehicle on the road.

"Its a man! Watch out!" The partner screamed to Vick, who tried to swerve, but it was too late.

Natalie leaned forward, her eyes wide with horror as she watched the SUV run into a man in the center of their lane. She couldn't make out his features, but his arms had been outstretched towards them. The loud squeal of tires on the wet road pierced Natalie's ears. The officers up front hadn't been wearing their seatbelts and were thrown forward out of the windshield.

The sound of glass shattering was the last thing Natalie heard before everything went completely silent other than her breath and heart beat. Natalie, along with the other seven people in the back, were all thrown forward, crashing hard into the bullet proof glass behind the officers.

Natalie's entire body was numb as her heart pounded. It was in slow motion watching people slam into one another as the SUV began to roll and flip, bodies rolling over one another and people screaming. Natalie locked eyes with Mrs. Burnham's frightened old eyes before the side of her head crashed hard into the other side of the SUV. Then quickly after, the top of her head hit even harder on the roof. Natalie's vision began to black out as the back of the old man who had sat next to her slammed into her face.

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