I Feel For You

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     I couldn't tell if he was shaking from anger or from fear. I walked up behind him and softly put my hand on his shoulder. Loki was supporting his body up on the ledge of the window, steadying himself with his arms extended.

     "I'm scared too," I whispered to him.

     "You should be," he croaked. "Everyone should be." He shook his head, his gaze off into the distance. His eyes were glossy and glazed over, like he was remembering the past and crying about the future.

     We stood there for awhile, my hand tucking a piece of his raven black hair behind his ear. I continued this motion, knowing that it often calmed him down. Loki let out a sigh, turning to look at me.

     "Thanos will come, sooner or later. Whether I took the Tesseract or not, it would have happened."

     We looked at each other with immense sadness and fear in our eyes. He studied my face, mirroring almost my exact same expression. I took a good hard look at him knowing that this might be the last time I see his face clean of blood or any wound. The last time I see his face in general.

     It was like he had a permanent scowl sometimes, but his eyes were always where you could decipher his true emotions. The God of Mischief was like us all. He cried, he got afraid. He felt betrayal and abandonment and pain. I reached my hand up to smooth out the one wrinkle on his forehead with my calloused middle finger, earning a chuckle from the man I loved. His face softened at my touch.

     We were going to lose each other. The day we've both been expecting and dreading from the start, has arrived. We seemed to be cursed.

     He cupped my small face in the palm his hand. I leaned into him, kissing it.

     "I feel for you." Loki whispered.

     "I feel for you." I wearied, glancing at his soft lips. The Prince leaned into me, our foreheads touching. Our eyes closed, breathing each other in, our lips ghosting each other's.

     There was a knock on the door, followed by Thor walking through. We stood away from each other like that interaction never happened. For once I wish he would just kiss me and not give a damn who saw.

     "Ah, Tera Rose, hello," The King greeted whilst grinning at me. Thor always looked so happy, despite all of the obstacles he's been through. In the span of a day, he watched his father die in front of him, killed his sister that he never knew about up until then, lost his eye, and his planet just exploded not even twenty minutes ago.

     'When will this family get a damn break?'  I thought.

     "My King," I bowed as a joke, knowing that with Thor, it wasn't required or even wanted that I do that. "I've officially been the Royal Guard for the both of you." I thought out loud.

     I've watched them grow, in a way. From young adults into men - into Gods. Both of the princes grew immensely in their own ways, and now the older of the two was the King of my people and I.

     "Which one is easiest to handle?" Thor teased.

     I glanced between the two, debating. "...Odin." I replied blandly, as if I didn't have to think. The blond chuckled, patting me on the shoulder. "I'll leave you two."

     "Thank you, Tera."

     And with that, I left Loki's quarters. I walked throughout the ship, stopping to help any Asgardian that needed it. We were heading to Earth to seek refuge.

     But we would never get there.

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