Character Chart: Tera Rose

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1) Full name?
Tera Rose, The Queen of Tera, the last Terinnian

2) Meaning for name?
Named after the planet, all of the past Queen's names started with Tera, followed by a second name. If we're getting technical, her actual name would be Rose

3) Do they like their name?
She hates being thought of as the Queen of her planet because of their reasoning for banishing her and their treatment towards her, but she accepts her name. She's indifferent towards it

4) Nickname?

5) Age?
3,218 years old.

6) How old do they appear?
Appears to be 30 (32, to be exact. Every one hundred years, she ages physically one)

7) Eye color?

8) Glasses?

9) Weight/build
Lean, but strong

10) Height?
A little under 5'7" (You'll see Loki call her short a couple of times, because to him, she is.)

11) Skin type?
A slight tan to her skin, soft complexion. Her hands are very rough and calloused though, because of her time serving in Asgard's forces and training.

12) Hair color and length?
Light brown hair that varies in length. Very wavy, hard to tame. At time in story, hair is slightly longer than shoulder length

13) Taste in clothes?
Last time she actually wore a dress was the day she was banished. Ever since, she's been wearing comfortable clothes fit for fighting and training - free to run whenever she pleases without the struggle of a damn dress. Her guard uniform became more elaborate in textiles and symbols as she climbed the ranks, but underneath she wore a basic tunic and leather pants. Tera likes practical and comfortable clothing

14) Healthy? Why or why not?
Tera seems pretty healthy considering her training regime and requirements, and how she looks. But, she can barely eat. The feeling of ire is constantly consuming her, and she tries to compress it, ending up in her always feeling uneasy and anxious because she doesn't want to accidentally snap at people. So, she rarely has an appetite and can barely keep food down.

15) Music
Doesn't listen to music, she doesn't have the time. Most of the time, she finds it annoying and distracting, because of the focus she requires for her job as a guard, and because of the stress of keeping her raging emotions in check

16) Daredevil or cautious?
Very cautious as a Royal Guard on Asgard. But before that? Hooooo boy, no wonder her and Loki get along so well!

17) Are they the same alone?
She tries to be the same person alone as the person she shows to the outside world, but that's where the conflict with her and Loki come in, because he does the same. She's constantly keeping her emotions in check, not because she doesn't want to get hurt, but because she's afraid she'll hurt someone else. But, when she loves someone, she'll definitely let them know, because she's happy she feels something other than rage. So, Loki gets LOTS of love from her... if ya know what I mean ;)

18) Good habits:
Tera meditates, A LOT. Trying to keep your emotions in check can be difficult. But mainly only feeling a VERY strong anger? That's a whole different story. Her anger issues are worse than Hulk's, to put it in perspective. She meditates to keep herself calm and stable. She's even tried to get Loki to meditate, but the little bugger doesn't stay out of her head and tries to distract her for fun, so it's safe to say they don't participate in that together anymore.

19) Bad habits:
-Before Tera Rose became a Royal Guard, she was VERY outspoken. The first sentence she ever said to Loki - the damn Prince of Asgard - consisted of at LEAST four curse words.
-She gets angry quickly and easily (do I even need to explain this now?), and she takes it out on the training grounds. The amount of targets and dummies she has ruined in the dead of night is almost laughable.
-She dog ears the pages of books (she never hears the end of this from Loki)
-Tera bites her lip, even when she's super calm and content. This results in her lips bleeding more often than not. And what better way for Loki to use his healing power on her lips, than kissing her?

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