Allfathers, Give Us Strength

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Stormbreaker flew to Thor's grasp, a burst of lightning followed its trail as I grabbed a hold of Rocket and scurried back. Thor jumped up, his eyes glowing an electric blue, a wicked grin coming across his face, the burns from only a couple of seconds ago already healing. Rocket laughed, jumping up onto my shoulder and pumping his small fist. I joined in, laughing out of complete disbelief that it worked and my King stood alive before me, once again.

The crack of thunder exploded throughout the rim, echoing off of the metal walls. Once Thor was down off his high, he ran up to Eitri with a beaming smile.

"We did it, Eitri! We did it!!" Looking up at the dwarf that seemed to be laughing along with us. I walked up to the pair with Rocket still perched on my shoulder. Groot standing along side Eitri, smiling at Thor with affection. Rocket hopped to Thor's shoulder from mine, patting his head and hugging it, earning a laugh from the God. I walked to Groot, smiling with sincerity.

"Thank you,"

"I am Groot."

"Where's the game at?"

"I am Groot." he replied, a tendril pointing to the console on the ground. I bent to pick it up, observing it.

"Galaga? What's that?"

"I am Groot, I am Groot. I am Groot."

"Hm." I hummed, handing the game back to him. He took it with his hand that was still fully intact, and stared at it for a split second before throwing it over his shoulder. I looked at him curiously.

"I am Groot."

We walked up to Thor and Rocket, all smiling triumphantly. I turned to Eitri.

"Thank you." I said, nodding my head down. He noticed the staff I had secured on my back. I slid it out, spinning it to hand back to Eitri. "This belongs to you." I offered him the staff, staring at it before meeting his eyes.

"Actually, I think it belongs... To you." I smiled, thankfully. "But, let me show you how it works."

I handed the staff to him questioningly. He flipped it so he was holding the staff across both hands.

"See this lever?"

     "Yeah, it makes a blade pop out, creating it a spear."

"Have you pressed it twice? Three times?" He asked, grinning, looking down at me through his mess of hair.

"I have not." I declared. He pressed the lever twice, a blade popping out of the other end. Then, pressed it the third time. The staff split apart at the middle, unsheathing two more blades at either end.

"Easier to kill with in fast combat." He explained, taking in my bewildered expression. "A perfect weapon for a Terinnain." I stiffened at the name of my people, but quickly recovering as I looked up at Eitri.

"I know nothing of my people. But it is beyond perfect. Thank you, Eitri."

"Now, you have somewhere to be, do you not?" The dwarf stared at us expectantly.

     We all gathered together. Thor threw his hand in the air, axe firmly gripped. The familiar roaring of colors encased us, the pull exhilarating.

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