It's My Turn

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     We fought until we couldn't breathe. The little amount of soldiers we had on board were now dead. All that stood left was Thor, The Hulk, Loki, Heimdall, and I. Every muscle in me was aching for a break, to lay down and never get up - to surrender. But that wasn't a choice. The Black Order, Thanos' children, were  here along with the Titan. I was the only one without any God-like powers and my strength was nothing compared to the aliens we fought. I might as well have been a mortal compared to them.

     The Hulk was hidden waiting for a signal from our plan, and Thor was laying almost lifeless on the ground, suffering more injuries than Loki had, due to me being by his side at every second. It had become almost a game, pushing each other out of the way of harm, trying to keep each other safe. I had grown tired of it and he wasn't understanding my actions. Heimdall was on the ground as well, laying uncharacteristically still. One leg had become broken, and he was loosing blood.

     I had my fair share of injuries as well. There was a deep gash at my hairline causing copious amounts of blood to flow down to my neck. My once braided hair was unruly and loose, brown frizzy locks flowing at every move I made. My lip was busted, as well as my cheek bone and a few ribs were broken, but I continued on. We had to win this fight. We had no other option.

     I stood behind Loki. We were surrounded by The Black Order, and Proxima's staff was pointed at us, ready to attack and kill. Thanos walked over to Thor, grabbing him by the head and dragging his form in front of us. I could barely stand straight, one hand holding my ribs and the other grasping onto my staff, trying to hold myself up. I was wheezing from all of the fighting I had done.

     Thanos' son, Ebony Maw, began to speak some idiotic god-complex speech about being "saved" by the Mighty Titan.

     "Hear me... and rejoice! You have had the great privilege of being saved by the great titan. You may think this is suffering... No! It is salvation! The universal scales... tip toward balance because of your sacrifice,"

     I looked down around me, taking in all of the lifeless Asgardians that lay at my feet. 'Is it a sacrifice if you didn't have a choice?' I thought.

     "Smile... For even in death, you have become children of Thanos!" I took in his appearance as he circled around Loki and I, like we were prey. What in the actual fuck was he? His skin looked gray and scaly, and what should have been his nose melded into the rest of his face, like it would a fish. The little hair he had was stringy and pure white, looking almost a pale blue in the light. The remaining three were indescribable. They looked to be a mix of a troll with something that only came from your childhood nightmares.

     "Well, with how you guys look, I don't think we should be rejoicing." I breathlessly joked. Loki turned around looking at me, warning me with his eyes to not say another word. One of the monsters growled.

     Loki's lips were chapped - the heat of the fires around us getting to him, making him extremely sweated and dehydrated. Considering his true heritage, Loki became more lethargic has the fires raged on. 

     Thanos plopped Thor down, earning a grunt from him. Loki continued to stand tall, but his struggle to do so was evident.

     "I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you are right, yet to fail, nonetheless." He reached for Thor's head again, and the King shouted at the pain from his grip. "It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you to what end... Dread it, run from it... Destiny arrives all the same. Now it's here. Or should I say, I am here." Thanos continues, rising up the Infinity Gauntlet he wears and clenches his fist. He gazes at it with wonder as the Power Stone glows a bright purple.

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