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     "Where do we start?" I asked confidently, trying to pry into Thanos' plan for universal domination a bit more.

     "That is up to you, Tera Rose." He spoke with such a regal tone towards me, something that had caught me off guard. I had grown used to his demeanor of superiority, calling me little one and my child almost nonstop. He had never used my name. I was not aware he even knew it.

     I looked to Eitri, ensuring that what ever move I made next would keep him and Nidavellir safe. 'They have gone through more than enough.'

     I summoned the Space Stone's power, a portal opening up to where we were before. The sun had just begun to rise, the cattle lazily plucking at the fields. Looking back up to Thanos I stepped in the portal, holding out my hand for the titan to follow. Clenching the fist that still held the stone-less gauntlet, he looked back to Eitri, debating.

     "He earned his life, Thanos. He kept his word." I urged on.

     He grunted in frustration, walking past me into the portal. I smiled to the dwarf, bidding him a farewell and a thank you. Eitri bowed his head, looking at me through his mess of hair and smiled knowingly.

     The portal closed around me as I walked through, standing by Thanos' side as he watched the sun rise. It was a bright pink now, light blue peaking through the blanket of clouds.

     A day has officially passed. On my time on planets and in the Statesman, and fighting on Earth, to being here - Ragnarok was only three days ago. I took a sharp intake of breath, the anxiety of it all coursing through me.

     Thanos was staring at me. He hadn't moved an inch since he stepped into the portal. He peered down at me with something unknown behind his eyes.

     I looked up at him questioningly. "What?" I whispered timidly. 'What's going through that thick skull of his?'

     "It is up to you now where we go from here. You wielded the weapon, survived the true power of the Infinity Stones all together. The power of the universe is in your hands now, it is your choice where we go from here," He smiled. Something was off, very off. "But, I suggest you go deeper into your roots, little one. I suggest, you go home."


     At the vague mention of my planet, my mind thought of where I was born. The ocean's shores, the waves crashing against black rocks. As soon as I had thought of Tera, a portal opened up behind me - the sound of the ocean deafening. I looked behind me in confusion, then back up to Thanos. He reached forward, nudging me into the portal, making me fall onto the black sand. It suddenly closed in front of me, the weapon laying at arms length beside me.

     I stood urgently, looking to where he once was. I wanted nothing more than to leave his side. But I wanted to get out of here more than that. I had never wanted to come back to this wretched place, and it never wanted me to.

     As I turned around to face what I had been trying to forget, the air was knocked out of me. Tera was not what I had remembered it to be.

     The once lush green forests had turned to nothing but dead grey trees. The towering rocks surrounded by water had crumbled apart and fallen onto the beach. The castle in the distance - what was once my home - was in ruins. It really had fallen to its own demise.

     My blood boiled at the sight, at the thought of how my own people could do this to themselves.

     I bent down, picking up the staff and strapping it onto my back. I noticed my hands were still darkened with ash. Taking a few steps towards the water, I began to scrub at my hands, Loki's ashes finally fading away. I sighed, a sense of relief fell over me now that it was gone, but I felt guilty washing him away.

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