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*A/N: So I just had a crazy weekend... I got some ideas for the next chapters hihi  

Jisoo POV:

We haven't really discussed what happened to me yesterday because we were so busy

. . .

Fortunately everything went well. I did my best and I do hope our fans appreciate that.

Our manager congratulated us for doing a good job despite of what happened.

"Guys, I'm just going out. I want just want to watch other performers at the concert." I said to them.

"You want us to accompany you?" Jennie asked.

"Are you really feeling okay now?" Rose asked as well.

"Don't worry too much I can manage. You guys can rest here. There are a lot of body guards around." I said before leaving our dressing room.

. . .

I went to the concert grounds, it was held in an open field.

Some people are just lazing around some are dancing and singing.

Everyone's having a good time.

I was looking for a right spot when I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry I wasn't looking" I said while fixing my clothes.

"I wasn't looking either it's not your fault" The person said.

I looked up and... 


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"Jisoo?!" we both exclaimed

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"Jisoo?!" we both exclaimed.

He looks so handsome? He's now wearing casual clothes. 

I can't help but admire him. I may be gawking at him way too long already that... 

People are starting to notice us so Suho grabbed my wrist

We went to a spot where there were less people.

We can't be seen together, media would create malicious stories and all.

"What are you doing here, alone?" He asked looking pissed.

"I just want to watch other performers. And I needed some alone time." I said raising my eyebrows.

"Are you feeling well now?" he asked his voice full of concern.

I looked to him wide eyed "You're the guy who helped me yesterday?"

"Yeah" He smirked. " They didn't tell you?" He chuckled at my reaction.

"We haven't had a chance to discuss what happened yesterday." He just nods while looking around.

"I would like to thank you for your kindness. I'm feeling better now" I said to him with a sincere smile.

He eyed me, still not convinced. "Are you sure?" he said with a thin line smile.

"Yes... What are you doing here by the way?" I pulled out the scarf that I was holding and sat on it.

I tapped the space beside me inviting him to sit beside me.

"I needed an alone time as well" He said as he sat beside me.

I can literally hear and feel my heart pounding.

 I can't believe that my crush is sitting beside me.

There was a moment of silence between us.

We just sat there and enjoyed the music and people watching.

It's like we're really comfortable with each other's presence.

I looked to my right and caught him staring at me.

I held my breath. 

We're having eye contact. 

What should I do?!

Jisoo get it together!

He got up.

 I looked at him, confused.

 He just smiled...

"Let's go. I'll walk you to your dressing room." He said while helping me to get up. 

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