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*A/N: 5k reads already? Wow, thank you for still supporting this story. I will work hard for the next chapters! 


"I think you already know why I called you here Jisoo" 

I looked at her with slight disappointment. She just nodded but didn't look up.

 I sighed, and cleared up my throat to make sure that she's going to pay attention to what am I going to say.

"I don't want to conclude anything about your relationship with Junmyeon, but you know I trust you Jisoo so I'm letting you speak and hear everything you want to say. And please be honest with me." 

She looked up tears are starting to form from the cornet of her eyes.

"Sajang... we are just friends" She started

 "It was my free day when I decided to go to the bookstore, manager-nim knows about it. However Junmyeon and I accidentally met at the book store. I didn't know he was also there."

I could hear the sincerity and clearly she's saying the truth. I nodded for her to continue.

 "He asked me to have snacks and I thought it would be too rude to turn down his offer since he's my sunbae. I am sorry that we especially I am not careful when we were out in the public. Thus the reason why I invited him to eat to that small place near the dorm, I know people are used to seeing trainees and idols because it is where they usually it. It is where the girls and I usually eat even during our trainee days." 

She seems a bit hesitant but continued

"We got carried away from the time – we didn't notice that we've been talking for hours then he got a phone call. I didn't ask him who it was nor eavesdrop to their conversation because like I said we're just friend and I respect his privacy. He then told me that he needed to leave, and then he walked me our dorm complex. I hope you understand sajangnim that we have no intention to cause problems on both YGE and SME it was just a simple and friendly hangout." 

She ended her statement with a sigh.

"I believe you Jisoo, and because you've been very honest with me. I'll be honest to you as well and explain the whole situation since I'm assuming based on your story that Junmyeon didn't mention you anything?" I asked her.

She shook her head "Our conversation was all about our stories as trainees and I also asked him some advice on what to do during performances. That's all."

I guess junmyeon was trying to protect her as well. I still need to talk to him and sooman. I don't have a choice but to tell jisoo the situation now. I know she's strong; she would like to know this kind of things rather than hiding it from her.

"Someone sent a mail to me with no return address" I hand her the envelope when she opened it and there was shock written all over her face. 

"But sajangnim I thought someone only saw us I didn't know that they took a lot of photos. I'm really sorry sajangnim" I knew she's close to crying but she managed to compose herself.

"It's alright Jisoo we're going to fix it, okay?" I looked at her and she gave me a slight smile. 

I decided to continue explaining "Then I called the number written at the bottom of the paper. I knew that person was using an app because we can't trace the number during and after the call. Now I want you to listen carefully jisoo. I need you to be careful, I need you to be with your manager and body guards all the time, just be with someone all the time." 

She looked at me with wide eyes "Is there a threat sajangnim? What did I do? What am I going to do? I'm so sorry sajang... I'm really sorry" she stated to panic and I just patted her shoulder to calm her down a bit

"I think junmyeon has a sasaeng and she's targeting you. That is all the information I know for now since I haven't talked to SM or Junmyeon yet. Please be careful Jisoo you are like a daughter to me, all of you. I won't let anyone harm you. We're going to fix this, okay?" I gave her an assuring smile and she just nodded, then she left.

I know it's a lot to take in, they just debuted and just starting with their career for sure it will impact not only to her but the whole group would be affected. I was sending a message to sooman when one of my staff came inside my office in a full panic mode.

"What happened kimi?" I asked her. "Sir, you might want to check this" She handed me the iPad.

I immediately dialed sooman's number, he answered at the first ring.

  "I guess you already saw. We need to talk now" I said in a hurried tone. 

"We are on the way to your office as of the moment. Expect us in 10mins" Sooman ended the call.

We need to plan everything and I needed to know more about this whole situation before I could think of a solution. 

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