'House Arrest'

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"Y/n M/n Stark!" I hear dad's voice shout from the other side of Peter's bedroom walls. Oh no. He used my full name. I'm in trouble now. "Get out right now!"

I rush and look under the bed and find a cardboard box. You see, when making Peter his Spider-Man suit, I made my own to make sure everything would work before putting it in his. Smart thinking, I know. It even has all of the same features. I open the box and take out the black and gold suit and told Peter to turn around. I get changed into the suit and tell Peter to put on his. 

We're both in Spider-Man suits and I open the window and the two of us climb out. I hear dad burst through the door and the two of use swing into the distance.

"How do you have a Spider-Man suit?" Peter asks me as we sit on top of a tall building.

"I made my own so I could double check the tech and stuff like that, to make sure it'd be safe for the user." I smile.

"Smart thinking."


From behind us I can hear the sound of jets. Shit! I turn around and see an Iron Man suit. I forgot that Peter's suit has tracking on it! The suit lands and opens up to reveal a extremely angry Tony Stark.

"You are in such big trouble." He says directly at me. "What did I tell you? I try to keep you safe and this is how you treat me?!"

"I'm sorry." I mumble.

"What was that?"

"I'm sorry!"

"Good. As soon as we get home you are on house arrest. Peter you'll go to school but you're not aloud to talk to Y/n until I tell you so. She needs to know what she did was wrong." He looks down at me and gives a confused look. "Why do you have your own Spider-Man suit?"

"I made my own to make sure everything would work before putting it in his." I mumble back.

"Darn it! If you weren't in trouble, I'd say you're clever and I'm proud of you but that'll have to wait."

"Thanks for that." I let out a sigh. "Come on Peter, let's go back."

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

It's almost been a month since dad put me on what he calls 'house arrest'. I haven't seen or talked to Peter since we returned home that night. Every time I've seen dad it's been him giving me food and drinks because he's made me stay in my room.

Throughout this time, to pass to boredom, I've played my electric guitar, played on my (favourite games console), and drawn.

Every time Peter passes my door he slips a note under my door to talk to me and I pass one back after he's knocked on my door to the Star Wars Imperial March. It's our only use of communication since dad can monitor my phone.

I hear a knock on my door and I open it, thinking that it's dad. I look up to see Peter and I look around to check to see if dad's around or if a camera is watching. I grab him by the collar of his shirt and drag him inside of my room.

Breathing heavily, he smiles at me. "Hi."

I don't say anything but instead I hug him. "I've missed talking to you. All I have is my dad and he's hardly talking to me."


"I don't know. I think it's because I went against his wishes."

We both laugh. "Ned says he misses you."

"Well, I don't miss him as much as I miss you." I pause. "W-Wait. I didn't mean it like that! I promise. You like a girl and I'll keep my distance. Sorry, that came out wrong."

"Don't worry. I miss you too. It's not weird. Trust me."

"I trust you." I say and I kiss his cheek as a token of my trust. "You tell me to 'jump' and I'll ask 'how high?'."

"How much longer do you have to stay on house arrest?"

"I don't know." I start to hear footsteps and I start to panic. "Go back to your room. Use my window."

"I'll see you later alligator."

"In a while crocodile."

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