Test run: Spiderman Suit

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"Is that what you were designing in Physics the other week?" Peter asks pointing to my Mark III suit.

"No. This is." I say motioning to the pile of parts and tools. "That's my Mark Three suit."

"Mark Three?!"

"Yeah. She gets it from me. I made her her first suit when she was thirteen." Dad says. "Peter, how about you try on your suit and Y/n can wear the Mark Three and you do a test run of the new Spderman suit?"

"Sure Mr Stark."

"FRIDAY, bring out Mark Three for me." I say.

"Will do Miss Stark." FRIDAY replies whilst the Mark III is brought towards me.

The suit opens up and I step in and it bursts into life. "Come on Peter!" I shout moving the mask up.

Peter suits up next door and walks in with the eyes adjusting themselves. "This is amazing! Thank you Mr Stark."

"Don't thank me. Y/n designed and made this one." Dad says gesturing towards me.

"Thanks Y/n, I love it." He comes towards me for a hug but I stop him.

"Maybe later. Let's go!" I say. "Are you coming dad?"

"Nah. I have to do some paperwork." He replies.

"Ok! See ya!" The mask goes back over my face and I start the suit up.

I run to the open door and fly out. Peter shortly follows, shooting webs to catch up with me.

"How's the suit Spiderboy?" I ask, teasing him slightly.

"It fits perfectly. Thank you." Peter replies.

"Follow me."

I speed off and Peter slowly follows. Suddenly, I feel a weight being applied to my right leg. I look behind me and it's Peter. We must have run out if buildings.

"Move onto my back!" I shout.

"Why?" Peter questions.

"Because you're dragging me, us, down!"

"Oh. Hang on." Peter manoeuvres himself onto my back. "Is that better?"

"Perfect. Let's go to the cliffs and watch the sunset!"

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