Chapter 32- You Did What!

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When I get back to my apartment, I open the door to reveal Sienna sitting on the couch.

"Hey Si, where were you last night? I was so worried." I say to her.

"I went to Perri's house-" I cut Sienna off.

"Yeah, that's great, but it doesn't explain why you was but home last night." I say again.

"Yeah, I was getting to that," she said angrily. "So as I was saying. I went to his house to break up with him. Well, he came down the stairs and he was in his boxers..." She trailed off.

"Sienna you fucked him didn't you!" I outburst.

"No?" she says almost like a question.

"You naughty, naughty girl."

"Just shut up! I'm not proud if it."

"I hope your little fun didn't affect the baby. You should know that sex isn't very good for the unborn child." I say in a motherly tone.

"I don't know what to do because I love James but- ugh this is too confusing."

"Listen hun. You know what you have to do."

"If I knew what I had to do, then I wouldn't ask you."

"Do what you think is best."

"You can't say anything! You should did what you thought was best and look where that got you. A single mom, no father to take care of his child, and your telling me to do what I think is best."

At that moment I burst out in tears. I didn't think she could be so mean.

"I'm going to see Niall." I muttered slamming the door shut. Could she not be so cold about it?


I walk to Niall's apartment, that he recently purchased, and knock on the door.

I wait two minutes before slamming my fists on the door.

"Niall you better open this fucking door or I will break in."

"Who is it?" I hear a non-Irish voice say, maybe one of the boys.

"It's me, Anna."

I hear the door click, signalling that it is being unlocked, and see a familiar face.

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