Chapter 54- Date

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I get dressed, with the clothes Louis brought from my house. I was thinking, why would he want to date me again? It was pretty fucked up last time. I can give him a bit of sympathy for trying to work things out.

I walk out of the room to see Harry sat against the door.

"Need a lift?" I nod.

We head to Harry's range rover and climb in.

About a minute later, we reached my house.

I kiss his cheek and walk to my room, only to see Rian, Violet, Sienna, Zor, Tia and Charlie.

"What are you doing here?" I spit, narrowing my eyes at Tia.

"I was invited by Sophie." She retorted.

"Fine but why are you all here?"

"We are your friends silly, we are here to get you ready for your date. "

"Its only 12. He is picking me up at 7"

"TOLD YOU!" Sienna screamed.

"Can we just watch some films?" Charlie spoke up

"Yeah." I say before something shiny catches my eye.

"Oh my gosh, you're engaged!"

"Yeah, I have for like 5 months." Zoe replied.

"You lot dont know how much I've missed you."

About four hours, two films, loads of girly films and finding out that Tia isn't trying to kill us. It was time to get ready. Yay. Not.

Zoe was on hair, Rian, Violet, and Sienna on clothes, Charlie on makeup and Tia on shoes.

Three hours later, I looked hot. Well thats what the girls said.

I looked in the mirror and saw that my blonde hair had a black snapback, I wore a ''satisfaction' t-shirt with black skinny jeans. On my feet were black combat boots.

"Thanks so much girls." I say walking out the door.

I saw Harry leaning against the passenger door. He was wearing a bandana around his long curly hair, a Calvin Klein jumper with black skinny jeans with his usual boots.

"Like what you see love?"

"Love it." I say. "So where are we going."


We ended up driving for an hour until we finally stopped.

We got out the car and I looked around. It was a park with a lake going through it. Next to a large oak tree was a candlelit picnic.


"Wait until the end of the night."

"Whats happening at the en-"

"C'mon the wax will melt"

The night consisted of cuddling, eating, talking and occasional kiss.

"This is really random, but I really love you and I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend again." Harry says.

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